Sunday, February 25, 2007
Posted by Anonymous at 2:26 am
Anonymous said...
Sack him before he leaves the ground.
Utter utter gash.
TheRedRisky said...
well any small glimmer of hope that we had is now gone. 4-0 To fucking charlton. Something tells me we shoulda held onto pardew.
Deano tough luck. Bouncers always seem to fuck with us Irons. Other then the score it was pretty good night and i thought my joke of a 3-3 comeback was pretty good. Anyway see you in the championship i spose as there is no way out now.
By the way someone got picked up at the Eagle street taxi ramp who was in a west ham shirt. Whoever he was i got the same guy so yeah just thought id mention it.
norven munky said...
I think I fell asleep in the bogs after full time...least I didn't recognise anybody when I came out.
Evey cloud has a sliver lining...I won $1000 at the casino playing blackjack :)
Would I give up $250 to erase each goal? Would i fuck...
whubris said...
Tip my hat to Pardew though, didn't celebrate the goals and said this afterwards: "It's been a difficult day, a difficult week leading up to it for me because I have a genuine love for West Ham and their fans which will never die."
norven munky said...
btw...14 years yesterday since Bobby died.
Anonymous said...
I really donot see how we can keep blaming curbs for this shit that the players are fronting up, curbs can do no more but pick his side with whats avail and send them out and EXPECT them to at least try and win a game what i watched last nite was an absolute disgrace, there seemed to be no commitment from our players whatsoever we need to look and learn from the effort of the charlton lads now thats how a team in a relegation dogfight performs not our roll over and die attitude. It always seems so easy to blame the manager and the players walk away scot free, well for one ive had that bullshit, i am holding these players solely to blame for this predicament.Its seems to me that the time has gone when players would die for our club. I have been a hammers fan all my life and have never seen a more inept and lifeless westham team in my life, and you cannot blame this attitude on curbs cause it was exactly the same with pards.If anyone should go lets start with a few of these players that are just not up to it Konchesky and Etherington just to name 2 they are out of there depth and many others are showing no spirit at all. Just one mans opinion thats all!!!!!!!!!!!You let me down hammers!!!!!!!!AGAIN
Anonymous said...
With all due respect to you, BOLLOX.
I have no faith in Curbs whatsoever.
I never had any and I have less now. Yes, the players were all shite last nite except Tevez but Curbs is clueless and he showed last night that he has no game plan and I doubt if he can get us out of the Chamionship where we are now doomed barring a miracle. Eggy, do the right thing and sack this fucking useless twat. Even if we go down this aresehole must be removed NOW!!
Anonymous said...
i didnt want to see the rest....that was disgracefull, i seriously thought we'd get some cunt about us and dig in
we are in a relegation war, we need to cut out the hippy shit and start shooting, the Dalai Lama could have put up a better fight then us last night
at least in the champ we can start from scratch, fuck off the dead weight, and get some cunts in the team who play with heart
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Sack him before he leaves the ground.
Utter utter gash.
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 02:51:00 am

well any small glimmer of hope that we had is now gone. 4-0 To fucking charlton. Something tells me we shoulda held onto pardew.
Deano tough luck. Bouncers always seem to fuck with us Irons. Other then the score it was pretty good night and i thought my joke of a 3-3 comeback was pretty good. Anyway see you in the championship i spose as there is no way out now.
By the way someone got picked up at the Eagle street taxi ramp who was in a west ham shirt. Whoever he was i got the same guy so yeah just thought id mention it.
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 04:12:00 am

I think I fell asleep in the bogs after full time...least I didn't recognise anybody when I came out.
Evey cloud has a sliver lining...I won $1000 at the casino playing blackjack :)
Would I give up $250 to erase each goal? Would i fuck...
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 06:51:00 am

Tip my hat to Pardew though, didn't celebrate the goals and said this afterwards: "It's been a difficult day, a difficult week leading up to it for me because I have a genuine love for West Ham and their fans which will never die."
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 07:11:00 am

btw...14 years yesterday since Bobby died.
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 07:11:00 am

I really donot see how we can keep blaming curbs for this shit that the players are fronting up, curbs can do no more but pick his side with whats avail and send them out and EXPECT them to at least try and win a game what i watched last nite was an absolute disgrace, there seemed to be no commitment from our players whatsoever we need to look and learn from the effort of the charlton lads now thats how a team in a relegation dogfight performs not our roll over and die attitude. It always seems so easy to blame the manager and the players walk away scot free, well for one ive had that bullshit, i am holding these players solely to blame for this predicament.Its seems to me that the time has gone when players would die for our club. I have been a hammers fan all my life and have never seen a more inept and lifeless westham team in my life, and you cannot blame this attitude on curbs cause it was exactly the same with pards.If anyone should go lets start with a few of these players that are just not up to it Konchesky and Etherington just to name 2 they are out of there depth and many others are showing no spirit at all. Just one mans opinion thats all!!!!!!!!!!!You let me down hammers!!!!!!!!AGAIN
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 10:26:00 am

With all due respect to you, BOLLOX.
I have no faith in Curbs whatsoever.
I never had any and I have less now. Yes, the players were all shite last nite except Tevez but Curbs is clueless and he showed last night that he has no game plan and I doubt if he can get us out of the Chamionship where we are now doomed barring a miracle. Eggy, do the right thing and sack this fucking useless twat. Even if we go down this aresehole must be removed NOW!!
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 10:56:00 am

i didnt want to see the rest....that was disgracefull, i seriously thought we'd get some cunt about us and dig in
we are in a relegation war, we need to cut out the hippy shit and start shooting, the Dalai Lama could have put up a better fight then us last night
at least in the champ we can start from scratch, fuck off the dead weight, and get some cunts in the team who play with heart
Comment posted on Sun Feb 25, 02:56:00 pm