Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hammers vs Boro @ the Pig n Whistle 15/09/07
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Saturday 15th September
West Ham vs Boro live @ the Pig n Whistle midnight kick off
The Brisbane Hammers will be out in force @ the Pig n Whistle once again - usual 10pm meeting time. The Brisbane Boro have a great contingent and I'm looking forward to catching up with likes of Teeside Trev & Littlelol.
Be there or be square!
Despite a glut of injuries to our midfield, we've had a reasonable start to the campaign thanks to our away form after a false start at home against Man City. So here's hoping we continue our good run and get our home season off to a start.

Pig n Whistle
123 Eagle St
Map with track directions from Central Station... (click to enlarge)

Saturday 15th September
West Ham vs Boro live @ the Pig n Whistle midnight kick off
The Brisbane Hammers will be out in force @ the Pig n Whistle once again - usual 10pm meeting time. The Brisbane Boro have a great contingent and I'm looking forward to catching up with likes of Teeside Trev & Littlelol.
Be there or be square!
Despite a glut of injuries to our midfield, we've had a reasonable start to the campaign thanks to our away form after a false start at home against Man City. So here's hoping we continue our good run and get our home season off to a start.

Pig n Whistle
123 Eagle St
Map with track directions from Central Station... (click to enlarge)
Posted by Dave at 9:07 am
TheRedRisky said...
Everyone already knows i'm coming. Ill likely have josh and claire again too.
Anonymous said...
I might not be able to make this as my mum is having her 60th birthday party that night. If I do show up it will be a bit later.
TheRedRisky said...
Bit harsh dave :P
Whats the early game??
Anonymous said...
Just to clear something up the pig got a bit annoyed with us singing last time we were there - this is not them being killjoys. Inside we can sing as loud as we like but when we're outside is when there is a problem. Apparently because of the residential block opposite the pig are by law enforced to keep the levels below a certain level. These levels are apparently breached by us singing outside (due to our awesome support). Hence I urge you to sing your heads off inside the pub but when you're in the out door areas we have to keep it down.
norven munky said...
at the Swartzer night we were told not to sing and that was inside..but they did say it was cause there were still people eating in the maybe after 10pm they will be more chilled out.
Anonymous said...
housewarming bbq for a cousin of the hugs & kiss's...but that should be wrapped up early, if not ill high tail it to the game....earliest 10, latest 11.30
but ill be there...
ohh and guess who hit West Ham @ $3.35 against Reading?
you beauty!!!
Anonymous said...
Tony - that was around dinner time though. I think it's a bit different on match days later in the evening.
TheRedRisky said...
I guess the best way to stop the noise would be to let us watch it inside everytime :P
TheRedRisky said...
Speaking of which with both boro and us watching this and considering how many there will be wed get the projector indoors.
norven munky said...
Dave you got an email addy for Teeside Trev. I'm still being blocked from the roos roos roos site. I reported it to my isp and they said they tested it from another isp account and were also blocked...
Stu. said...
Norvern I am blocked from roosroos too and I am just on a standard Big Pond ADSL account.
Should be along for this one just before KO.
Dave that probably explains why Tiny had the shits, although he could have just explained the position rather than just threaten to throw Terry out repeatedly.
I, like most of the Irons I imagine, don't want to do anything to piss off the Pig - it's by far the best footy venue in town.
Anonymous said...
i mite be workiin but a sicky looks like a sicky on the cards
west ham bret
up the irons
TheRedRisky said...
"A new top-flight record will be set on Saturday 6 October when just one Premier League match kicks off at the traditional 1500 BST time.
Only Aston Villa's home game against West Ham starts at 1500 BST, with one game starting at 1245 BST on Saturday and eight games taking place on Sunday. "
Wed have the pub to ourselves :P
Anonymous said...
just a note but I turned up at the Pig on Saturday about 11.55pm and Arj and the other guy whose name I can't remember couldnt have been more helpful to me, despite being rammed after Riverfire they found a spare tele and got the west ham game on there for me...was really impressed - just a shame I can't remember much of it';-)
Will try and make it for the Boro game but may be interstate, not sure yet
Anonymous said...
Dicky - yeah they're pretty good to us really. Nice to hear they looked after you.
They also would've probably let us come down as a group but it was actually my call for them not to put it on for us as I thought it'd be too much for them due to the amount of functions for Riverfire and the fact that they had a whole load of Liverpool fans expected to turn up for their game. I thought we'd give them a weekend off from us as they'd have enough to contend with. Arj did say at the time that if we had enough people intrested he'd have put us on but it was probably too much to deal with really so I said don't worry we'll make it a big one for the boro game.
The yids have said on their site that our game wasn't on cos they were only showing the big teams cos of riverfire - pmsl well like they'd show spurs if that was the case :p
TheRedRisky said...
Youre still going on there dave :P
I had to see for myself so i took a look.
Its a shame our game against them in on a sunday. Could have been a good night out.
Anonymous said...
Nah I'm not going on - I'll leave it at that but I thought it was funny that they're still making comments about us especially as it came from Phil who was being all high and mighty in the first place and complaining to the pig n whistle about us. I don't buy into this "who's the bigger club" shit anyway cos at the end of the day we're both 2 mediocre clubs (along with 14 others outisde the big 4)who have acheived fuck all in recent times so it's not like either of us have much to brag about.
I have an exam on the Monday too Risky so even if it was on the Saturday I'd have to stay at home and revise. Probably for the best anyway ;-)
Anonymous said...
Bret I'd rather it was left alone mate to be honest.
Anonymous said...
Hello Brizzy Hammers, Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday night. I don't think that there will be many of us, as most of the Boro are saving themselves for the week after against Sunderland. But it should be a great game as both teams are starting to hit a bit of form, having said that we never get anything at Upton Park.(get my excuses in early hahaha)
Anonymous said...
the valley fiesta is on sat night too....its off the valley post game for me then....going to be so many drunk lowies!!!!
Anonymous said...
I am definitely gonna be coming now. I might not make kickoff though. Gonna be showing up in a kilt as my mums party has a Scottish dress theme to it. I am prepared to be given shit for it, not that you don't give me shit all the time anyways. Cant wait should be a good night.
Anonymous said...
I hope you boys and girls are going to be on your best behaviour on Saturday night, as your Yiddo mates play Arsenal at 10.30, so they'll probably get the big screen
Anonymous said...
Actually we'll be out in the back garden and the Yids will be in the front garden. The all blacks will be on the big screen inside followed by the wallabies. Arj is setting up a big screen for us outside - Liverpool will be out the back prior to our game so we'll follow on from them. I suggest we all meet out the back and don't go round and wind the yids up this time - I'm sure the gooners will do that for us anyway.
TheRedRisky said...
Weve been allowed to sing out the back before
Anonymous said...
We will be able to sing but they will monitor the levels and may tell us to tone it down if it's a problem.
Stu. said...
It's this sort of talk that causes tension and animosity between us dear Hammers and those nice young men from Tottenham. Can't we all just hope for an Arsenal victory followed by a few pints of lager and then 3 points for the Irons?
beggers said...
Nah, no problem with the Tottenham boys, just the noise level. I've no doubt we'll be asked to keep it down. Don't give a monkeys about their game just ours.
Anonymous said...
Stu we'd deviated from the spurs stuff long ago - LOL. Beggers was talking about the noise levels of our singing being a problem.
Stu. said...
you know me Dave, never quite with the program. Best make sure the lager's cold then to keep singing voices in action. Except if Tiny asks us nicely to quieten down.
beggers said...
Not sure if I'll make it. If I can get away, I'll be there.
Yeah I could do that but my computer skills are shite, so I may need you to walk me through a few things:)
TheRedRisky said...
you computer illiterates :P
Wed better do some singing, last time it was all during the tottenham game and was dead quit by man city
Anonymous said...
Not the best photographer in the world either beggers - my nan takes better photos than some of those and she shakes like a washing machine on spin cycle ;-).
Only joking mate - great to see them to be honest - I loved the way the first 2 were of the pub and the pie n mash shop. Did you have jellied eels? Never been game to try them myself but I like a nice plate of pie, mash n liquor. It's been so long - last time I missed out cos the queue was about 10 miles long and I'd have missed the game.
norven munky said...
Dave that map is farken useless. Go back to the drawing board but this time we want one that shows the following route :-
central, atm, pig, hot dog van @ half time, pig, hot dog van @ full time, back of hot dog van for a spew, valley fiesta, atm, cab rank, same cab rank 1.5 hours later, walk to city, cab rank, your gaff.
Or maybe something like this
Anonymous said...
back garden eh, sounds alrite...
should be there 10ish mate....
see u bois there
west ham bret...
Anonymous said...
so be there and join the brissy skinheads for some pints ...
up the irons!!
Anonymous said...
cannng town hammer here
be having a beer in the green gate plaistow before the match take my seat and watch west ham beat boro 3 1 goals from bellemy 2 and anton
wonder what odds i get on that ?
Anonymous said...
Munky, that map is fucking gold mate.
RMSO (roared my sack off!)
Anonymous said...
NM thats ace mate!!!Beastiality Ho, where do you go mate? id be there for a laugh!!!!
oi tezza you goin to get 60 nuggets again? ohh and you betta be in that kilt!!
beggers said...
Thought the scoreline flattered us TBH. Anyway, well happy. "3 NIL TO THE COCKNEY BOYS, 3 NIL....."
Sorry I couldn't make it lads, weak as piss I know. Maybe next time.
Curbs in Beexie, wotcha reckon?
TheRedRisky said...
No problem.
As a whole it was a good night :P Carlton cole got 2 assists and shoulda got a goal. Whats going on there.
Does anyone actually know what happened to bellamy? why did he get subbed off?
Fair play to the boro fans who had to listen to non stop singing for about 2 and a half hours.
Michael Mitchell said...
Great night all round I thought. Looking forward to the next meet up.
Was my first time meeting you all who attended last night.
Will the Pig n Whistle be showing the Newcastle game?
Anonymous said...
Regular reader if not contributor of the website.
Was over in London this week and went to yesterday's game. Great result, to be fair 3-0 flattered us and some of our defending was a bit ropey. Lucky they couldn't score in a brothel and we have England's real number one between the sticks.
Atmosphere in the ground was ok, although have to say thought the crowd were a bit quiet apart from when they were giving Cole stick when he came on (poor bugger - don't they know it's a confidence game). My brother has two season tickets so I was lucky enough to have no problem getting in, apparently now there are 26,000 season ticket holders (the limit) and there is a waitlist for season tickets. Basically every game is a sell out and the only time we won't be at capacity will be went away teams don't take all their tickets (eg. Wigan).
Had a great week here, went to Wembley on Wednesday and the sun has been shining!
Bet my team is still bottom of the league, I should probably make a change or two!
Hik the Hammer
Anonymous said...
Good to catch up and have a chat with the Brizzy Hammers on Saturday night. As I said in an earlier comment we never get anything at your place, and as some of you have said the scorline did flatter you a bit, It could have been 4 v 4, but we fell asleep for 10 minutes and it's all about taking your chances, and you did that. I think the Boro will play worse games than that this season and get the 3 points. TTTeeside Trev TTTeeesside Trev
beggers said...
MM, think the Newcastle games a Sunday night job? They'll probably show it if you turn up but I'm not sure how many others will be there seeing as it's work the next day:)
Anonymous said...
sohbet odasi
dini sohbet
turkce sohbet
nefret sozleri
...Post a Comment ... Go to Forum

Everyone already knows i'm coming. Ill likely have josh and claire again too.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 10:14:00 am

I might not be able to make this as my mum is having her 60th birthday party that night. If I do show up it will be a bit later.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 12:01:00 pm

Bit harsh dave :P
Whats the early game??
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 12:42:00 pm

Just to clear something up the pig got a bit annoyed with us singing last time we were there - this is not them being killjoys. Inside we can sing as loud as we like but when we're outside is when there is a problem. Apparently because of the residential block opposite the pig are by law enforced to keep the levels below a certain level. These levels are apparently breached by us singing outside (due to our awesome support). Hence I urge you to sing your heads off inside the pub but when you're in the out door areas we have to keep it down.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 02:48:00 pm

at the Swartzer night we were told not to sing and that was inside..but they did say it was cause there were still people eating in the maybe after 10pm they will be more chilled out.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 03:05:00 pm

housewarming bbq for a cousin of the hugs & kiss's...but that should be wrapped up early, if not ill high tail it to the game....earliest 10, latest 11.30
but ill be there...
ohh and guess who hit West Ham @ $3.35 against Reading?
you beauty!!!
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 03:37:00 pm

Tony - that was around dinner time though. I think it's a bit different on match days later in the evening.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 04:07:00 pm

I guess the best way to stop the noise would be to let us watch it inside everytime :P
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 04:28:00 pm

Speaking of which with both boro and us watching this and considering how many there will be wed get the projector indoors.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 04:29:00 pm

Dave you got an email addy for Teeside Trev. I'm still being blocked from the roos roos roos site. I reported it to my isp and they said they tested it from another isp account and were also blocked...
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 07:38:00 pm

Norvern I am blocked from roosroos too and I am just on a standard Big Pond ADSL account.
Should be along for this one just before KO.
Dave that probably explains why Tiny had the shits, although he could have just explained the position rather than just threaten to throw Terry out repeatedly.
I, like most of the Irons I imagine, don't want to do anything to piss off the Pig - it's by far the best footy venue in town.
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 08:38:00 pm

i mite be workiin but a sicky looks like a sicky on the cards
west ham bret
up the irons
Comment posted on Wed Sept 05, 09:27:00 pm

"A new top-flight record will be set on Saturday 6 October when just one Premier League match kicks off at the traditional 1500 BST time.
Only Aston Villa's home game against West Ham starts at 1500 BST, with one game starting at 1245 BST on Saturday and eight games taking place on Sunday. "
Wed have the pub to ourselves :P
Comment posted on Thu Sept 06, 12:20:00 am

just a note but I turned up at the Pig on Saturday about 11.55pm and Arj and the other guy whose name I can't remember couldnt have been more helpful to me, despite being rammed after Riverfire they found a spare tele and got the west ham game on there for me...was really impressed - just a shame I can't remember much of it';-)
Will try and make it for the Boro game but may be interstate, not sure yet
Comment posted on Thu Sept 06, 11:52:00 am

Dicky - yeah they're pretty good to us really. Nice to hear they looked after you.
They also would've probably let us come down as a group but it was actually my call for them not to put it on for us as I thought it'd be too much for them due to the amount of functions for Riverfire and the fact that they had a whole load of Liverpool fans expected to turn up for their game. I thought we'd give them a weekend off from us as they'd have enough to contend with. Arj did say at the time that if we had enough people intrested he'd have put us on but it was probably too much to deal with really so I said don't worry we'll make it a big one for the boro game.
The yids have said on their site that our game wasn't on cos they were only showing the big teams cos of riverfire - pmsl well like they'd show spurs if that was the case :p
Comment posted on Thu Sept 06, 01:46:00 pm

Youre still going on there dave :P
I had to see for myself so i took a look.
Its a shame our game against them in on a sunday. Could have been a good night out.
Comment posted on Thu Sept 06, 01:54:00 pm

Nah I'm not going on - I'll leave it at that but I thought it was funny that they're still making comments about us especially as it came from Phil who was being all high and mighty in the first place and complaining to the pig n whistle about us. I don't buy into this "who's the bigger club" shit anyway cos at the end of the day we're both 2 mediocre clubs (along with 14 others outisde the big 4)who have acheived fuck all in recent times so it's not like either of us have much to brag about.
I have an exam on the Monday too Risky so even if it was on the Saturday I'd have to stay at home and revise. Probably for the best anyway ;-)
Comment posted on Thu Sept 06, 04:41:00 pm

Bret I'd rather it was left alone mate to be honest.
Comment posted on Mon Sept 10, 11:21:00 am

Hello Brizzy Hammers, Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday night. I don't think that there will be many of us, as most of the Boro are saving themselves for the week after against Sunderland. But it should be a great game as both teams are starting to hit a bit of form, having said that we never get anything at Upton Park.(get my excuses in early hahaha)
Comment posted on Mon Sept 10, 03:49:00 pm

the valley fiesta is on sat night too....its off the valley post game for me then....going to be so many drunk lowies!!!!
Comment posted on Tue Sept 11, 05:35:00 pm

I am definitely gonna be coming now. I might not make kickoff though. Gonna be showing up in a kilt as my mums party has a Scottish dress theme to it. I am prepared to be given shit for it, not that you don't give me shit all the time anyways. Cant wait should be a good night.
Comment posted on Tue Sept 11, 10:14:00 pm

I hope you boys and girls are going to be on your best behaviour on Saturday night, as your Yiddo mates play Arsenal at 10.30, so they'll probably get the big screen
Comment posted on Wed Sept 12, 02:35:00 pm

Actually we'll be out in the back garden and the Yids will be in the front garden. The all blacks will be on the big screen inside followed by the wallabies. Arj is setting up a big screen for us outside - Liverpool will be out the back prior to our game so we'll follow on from them. I suggest we all meet out the back and don't go round and wind the yids up this time - I'm sure the gooners will do that for us anyway.
Comment posted on Thu Sept 13, 08:34:00 am

Weve been allowed to sing out the back before
Comment posted on Thu Sept 13, 09:49:00 am

We will be able to sing but they will monitor the levels and may tell us to tone it down if it's a problem.
Comment posted on Thu Sept 13, 11:31:00 am

It's this sort of talk that causes tension and animosity between us dear Hammers and those nice young men from Tottenham. Can't we all just hope for an Arsenal victory followed by a few pints of lager and then 3 points for the Irons?
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 10:43:00 am

Nah, no problem with the Tottenham boys, just the noise level. I've no doubt we'll be asked to keep it down. Don't give a monkeys about their game just ours.
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 11:13:00 am

Stu we'd deviated from the spurs stuff long ago - LOL. Beggers was talking about the noise levels of our singing being a problem.
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 11:28:00 am

you know me Dave, never quite with the program. Best make sure the lager's cold then to keep singing voices in action. Except if Tiny asks us nicely to quieten down.
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 11:31:00 am

Not sure if I'll make it. If I can get away, I'll be there.
Yeah I could do that but my computer skills are shite, so I may need you to walk me through a few things:)
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 12:16:00 pm

you computer illiterates :P
Wed better do some singing, last time it was all during the tottenham game and was dead quit by man city
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 12:36:00 pm

Not the best photographer in the world either beggers - my nan takes better photos than some of those and she shakes like a washing machine on spin cycle ;-).
Only joking mate - great to see them to be honest - I loved the way the first 2 were of the pub and the pie n mash shop. Did you have jellied eels? Never been game to try them myself but I like a nice plate of pie, mash n liquor. It's been so long - last time I missed out cos the queue was about 10 miles long and I'd have missed the game.
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 01:57:00 pm

Dave that map is farken useless. Go back to the drawing board but this time we want one that shows the following route :-
central, atm, pig, hot dog van @ half time, pig, hot dog van @ full time, back of hot dog van for a spew, valley fiesta, atm, cab rank, same cab rank 1.5 hours later, walk to city, cab rank, your gaff.
Or maybe something like this
Comment posted on Fri Sept 14, 10:09:00 pm

back garden eh, sounds alrite...
should be there 10ish mate....
see u bois there
west ham bret...
Comment posted on Sat Sept 15, 01:31:00 am

so be there and join the brissy skinheads for some pints ...
up the irons!!
Comment posted on Sat Sept 15, 01:42:00 am

cannng town hammer here
be having a beer in the green gate plaistow before the match take my seat and watch west ham beat boro 3 1 goals from bellemy 2 and anton
wonder what odds i get on that ?
Comment posted on Sat Sept 15, 06:04:00 am

Munky, that map is fucking gold mate.
RMSO (roared my sack off!)
Comment posted on Sat Sept 15, 09:10:00 am

NM thats ace mate!!!Beastiality Ho, where do you go mate? id be there for a laugh!!!!
oi tezza you goin to get 60 nuggets again? ohh and you betta be in that kilt!!
Comment posted on Sat Sept 15, 11:46:00 am

Thought the scoreline flattered us TBH. Anyway, well happy. "3 NIL TO THE COCKNEY BOYS, 3 NIL....."
Sorry I couldn't make it lads, weak as piss I know. Maybe next time.
Curbs in Beexie, wotcha reckon?
Comment posted on Sun Sept 16, 12:19:00 pm

No problem.
As a whole it was a good night :P Carlton cole got 2 assists and shoulda got a goal. Whats going on there.
Does anyone actually know what happened to bellamy? why did he get subbed off?
Fair play to the boro fans who had to listen to non stop singing for about 2 and a half hours.
Comment posted on Sun Sept 16, 01:17:00 pm

Great night all round I thought. Looking forward to the next meet up.
Was my first time meeting you all who attended last night.
Will the Pig n Whistle be showing the Newcastle game?
Comment posted on Sun Sept 16, 01:53:00 pm

Regular reader if not contributor of the website.
Was over in London this week and went to yesterday's game. Great result, to be fair 3-0 flattered us and some of our defending was a bit ropey. Lucky they couldn't score in a brothel and we have England's real number one between the sticks.
Atmosphere in the ground was ok, although have to say thought the crowd were a bit quiet apart from when they were giving Cole stick when he came on (poor bugger - don't they know it's a confidence game). My brother has two season tickets so I was lucky enough to have no problem getting in, apparently now there are 26,000 season ticket holders (the limit) and there is a waitlist for season tickets. Basically every game is a sell out and the only time we won't be at capacity will be went away teams don't take all their tickets (eg. Wigan).
Had a great week here, went to Wembley on Wednesday and the sun has been shining!
Bet my team is still bottom of the league, I should probably make a change or two!
Hik the Hammer
Comment posted on Sun Sept 16, 06:20:00 pm

Good to catch up and have a chat with the Brizzy Hammers on Saturday night. As I said in an earlier comment we never get anything at your place, and as some of you have said the scorline did flatter you a bit, It could have been 4 v 4, but we fell asleep for 10 minutes and it's all about taking your chances, and you did that. I think the Boro will play worse games than that this season and get the 3 points. TTTeeside Trev TTTeeesside Trev
Comment posted on Mon Sept 17, 12:11:00 pm

MM, think the Newcastle games a Sunday night job? They'll probably show it if you turn up but I'm not sure how many others will be there seeing as it's work the next day:)
Comment posted on Tue Sept 18, 05:58:00 pm

sohbet odasi
dini sohbet
turkce sohbet
nefret sozleri
Comment posted on Thu Sept 27, 06:32:00 pm