Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm at a complete loss for words.
Posted by whubris at 12:30 pm
Anonymous said...
This pic is fine, but I would rather see pics of Teves in a claret & blue jersey celebrating goals and Mascherano in a defensive midfield role thwarting lampard (notice no capital "L") Gerrard etc.
Happy snaps with committee members don't earn you premiership points. They still need to fit into the team and perform on the pitch.
My heart is jumping for joy but my head is telling me not to get carried away.
Big expectations can lead to big disappointment. Let's hope not.
norven munky said...
Saw this on Kumb last night...what's the big deal?...i know most people hate him but is it that unusual to see the chairman photographed with the two new star recruits?
whubris said...
I just never thought I'd see the day, that's all!
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This pic is fine, but I would rather see pics of Teves in a claret & blue jersey celebrating goals and Mascherano in a defensive midfield role thwarting lampard (notice no capital "L") Gerrard etc.
Happy snaps with committee members don't earn you premiership points. They still need to fit into the team and perform on the pitch.
My heart is jumping for joy but my head is telling me not to get carried away.
Big expectations can lead to big disappointment. Let's hope not.
Comment posted on Tue Sept 05, 01:48:00 pm

Saw this on Kumb last night...what's the big deal?...i know most people hate him but is it that unusual to see the chairman photographed with the two new star recruits?
Comment posted on Tue Sept 05, 02:06:00 pm

I just never thought I'd see the day, that's all!
Comment posted on Wed Sept 06, 08:13:00 am