Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's the Carling Cup!

Well so far Me & Norven have had a shitty run of luck with our West Ham bets and this is last chance saloon - I think we had 30 bucks each on West Ham to win the Carling Cup @ $26 or something to that effect. Our 100 on the Uefa is dead and buried along with other random match bets.
So to the match!
I fully expect on current form for the shit to hit the fan against Chesterfield tomorrow morning. Away from home against lower opposition is not an ideal fixture when you haven't scored a goal for 7 games. I've seen this many a time when things are going bad and then to add insult to injury some two bit piece of crap side comes along and dumps you out of the cup.
So Mr Pardew brace yourself because if this happens you are gone. I can not see any other scenario for AP if the worst were to happen. I think he'll be ousted for Curbishley by the end of the week if we do not get through the game unscathed tomorrow.
I'm gonna close my eyes and hope for the best!