Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Ashton Out for Season!
Is this bad for West Ham? Maybe not. Maybe it means he has more chance of staying at the club. This season is over for West Ham; it really is, no matter what way you try and look at it.
Deano has had an arthroscopy on his troublesome ankle and had some scar tissue dealt with scuppering any chance he had of starting a game for the Hammers before the season's end. It will be six weeks before he can run again by which time the season will be at an end.
Could be a blessing in disguise although I feel very bad for him. Hopefully he'll play a big part in our promotion campaign next season.
Deano has had an arthroscopy on his troublesome ankle and had some scar tissue dealt with scuppering any chance he had of starting a game for the Hammers before the season's end. It will be six weeks before he can run again by which time the season will be at an end.
Could be a blessing in disguise although I feel very bad for him. Hopefully he'll play a big part in our promotion campaign next season.
Posted by Dave at 10:46 pm
Dave said...
Before you have a go at my negativity - if we win the next 3 games I'm with you optomists - otherwise it really is fucked! That is the severity of our situation.
Dave said...
Current banner or this one?
Give me your opinions.
beggers said...
whutest banner for mine.
Daniel is probably right, although I think he owes us TBH and if he is an honourbale man, he would stay. I mean we gave him is chance with a big money transfer from Norwich. Thought it was a huge risk at the time and too much money for a CCC player. Turned out I was wrong an he was worth every penny. Anyway, then he spends the whole season on the sidelines whilst we pay his wages. Nah he owes us big time IMO. If he does leave I'll slate him every chance I get.
Congratulations on the bub Dave. Is this your first?
Sorry to see you leave whubris, look forward too your continuing posts from Canberra. Oh and give little Johnny a kick in the cods from me will ya.
whubris said...
Dave - I'd actually prefer a combination of the two. Neither of them is wide enough for the new high-res widescreen LCD monitors. I really like the current one, but maybe stick the pics of Sir Bobby and Paolo on the end of the current one, which makes it wider but those with narrower/low res monitors won't notice the difference.
Dave said...
Whubris - I'll play around with it a little tonight and maybe come up with something in between the two with it extended for wider screens. Do you like the title shrunk down a bit? IMO it looks a lot neater.
I've just had a look in high res and I see why you think it looks bollox cos it squashes it up. Don't most people still use 1024res? I've got a 17" lcd but IMO things still look better 1024 than 1280. I'll play around tonight and see if I can find something that looks good in both.
BTW - how do we report to google about the fact that blogger doesn't remember who you are everytime you first navigate to the site? It's really pissing me off. I've clicked the remember me tick but still forgets! Google = new microsoft! :-(
Dave said...
Both Banners look very different on the different resolutions - this could pose a bit of a problem IMO. :-( Like I said I'll play around tonight and see if I can find a compromise that looks good on both.
Anonymous said...
Hey Dave,
I'm with WhuBris, a combo would be good and the smaller text definitely looks better. On Deano, same as some other players I reckon we have the cash around now to maybe tempt them to stay (not that I'm admitting we're down yet!!)
With the blogger thingo, if you use Firefox grab the Cookie Culler extension and protect all the blogger cookies.
My desktop is a Mac and my Laptop a PC and it works on both.
Good luck to you both with the birth mate. You won't stop grinning for about 6 months, then you'll fall over from tiredness! Nah, it's the most amazing thing, changes yer life. And of course there's always toddler kits to buy!!!
Anonymous said...
Always worked on IE before Google got involved though. I can't install Firefox at work mate which is where I access the site most of the time and I don't really want to stop using IE at home.
This is Dave BTW - can't be fucked to sign in AGAIN!
TheRedRisky said...
I Use 1280 x 1024 with FIrefox, The banner with deano on it fits perfectly on my screen whereas the new one almost looks too small. Oh well im not to fussed, i just wish this site wouldnt put such a CPU drain on my system.
whubris said...
cpu drain? really? I get 1% CPU time on this site.
Anonymous said...
Dave, I'd say that was IE fucking up cos Microsloth hate Google. I'm a Mac boy but when I was at work had to use PC. I'm sure you can find a Cookie Protector app for IE. I'll have a look for you and let you know. BTW, Firefox is the shit, was always a diehard Safari on the Mac man but Firefox blows them all away.Will get back to you
norven munky said...
I think he means CPU drain as in all he is does all day at work is read whu-au :)
I run 1280x1024 and both the prod & test banners are the same width. Both have a chunk of white space at the end at that res.
On a 24" monitor at 1600x1000 the banner barely covers half the screen tho doesn't look like shite.
- I like the white gap lines between the sections in the test banner.
- I prefer the new whu-au centre frame although I'd like to see a plain background version of that frame. It has always looked too busy with UP in the background imho.
- I prefer the existing right hand pic but it would look better with the white gap line.
norven munky said...
two people here at work both commented that the new banner looks better because the a in au doesn't look like a d. In the existing banner the extension of the goal post above the 'a' makes it look like the name of the site is whu-du.
Look at the existing banner and blur your vision like it is one of those 80's magic eye trick thingos :)
beggers said...
Whilst checking out the alternate banner had a read of the history and other stuff. Didn't know that the rivalry with Millwall went back to Thames Iron Works days? I always thought it was beacuse they were a bunch of pikey, lowlife bastards who were jealous of us 'cause we are so awesome!
Dave said...
Munky: "- I'd like to see a plain background version of that frame. It has always looked too busy with UP in the background imho."
I darkened the picture from the orginal banner to make it look less busy - do you think it is still too busy then? Do you suggest a solid background? Or blend it more opaque?
beggers - the best bit in the test blog is whubris' comment - "wow that's amazing" - LMAO!
Dave said...
To those of you using 1280x1024 - are you using a 17" screen? Do you not find it all a little small if you do?
I've just changed mine to 1280x1024 to see if I get used to it - I'm sure it is not going to be good for my eyes though. You get a lot of spreadsheet on the screen with Excel though - I like that.
TheRedRisky said...
im using 17" and i can read it fine. Oh no dave your days of readin are over, do they have accountancy in brail??
Dave said...
Be interesting if they had porn in braille - I quite like the thought of porn I can touch actually ;-)
norven munky said...
i run 1280 each on twin 19' can fit a lot of spreadsheet across both :)
Dave the new centre frame is a *lot* better than the old centre frame.
I was just wondering what it would look like with a solid colour whu-au logo on claret or vice might look like shite, just wondered.
...Post a Comment ... Go to Forum

Before you have a go at my negativity - if we win the next 3 games I'm with you optomists - otherwise it really is fucked! That is the severity of our situation.
Comment posted on Wed Mar 21, 10:54:00 pm

Current banner or this one?
Give me your opinions.
Comment posted on Wed Mar 21, 11:05:00 pm

whutest banner for mine.
Daniel is probably right, although I think he owes us TBH and if he is an honourbale man, he would stay. I mean we gave him is chance with a big money transfer from Norwich. Thought it was a huge risk at the time and too much money for a CCC player. Turned out I was wrong an he was worth every penny. Anyway, then he spends the whole season on the sidelines whilst we pay his wages. Nah he owes us big time IMO. If he does leave I'll slate him every chance I get.
Congratulations on the bub Dave. Is this your first?
Sorry to see you leave whubris, look forward too your continuing posts from Canberra. Oh and give little Johnny a kick in the cods from me will ya.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 08:18:00 am

Dave - I'd actually prefer a combination of the two. Neither of them is wide enough for the new high-res widescreen LCD monitors. I really like the current one, but maybe stick the pics of Sir Bobby and Paolo on the end of the current one, which makes it wider but those with narrower/low res monitors won't notice the difference.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 08:29:00 am

Whubris - I'll play around with it a little tonight and maybe come up with something in between the two with it extended for wider screens. Do you like the title shrunk down a bit? IMO it looks a lot neater.
I've just had a look in high res and I see why you think it looks bollox cos it squashes it up. Don't most people still use 1024res? I've got a 17" lcd but IMO things still look better 1024 than 1280. I'll play around tonight and see if I can find something that looks good in both.
BTW - how do we report to google about the fact that blogger doesn't remember who you are everytime you first navigate to the site? It's really pissing me off. I've clicked the remember me tick but still forgets! Google = new microsoft! :-(
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 08:42:00 am

Both Banners look very different on the different resolutions - this could pose a bit of a problem IMO. :-( Like I said I'll play around tonight and see if I can find a compromise that looks good on both.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 08:47:00 am

Hey Dave,
I'm with WhuBris, a combo would be good and the smaller text definitely looks better. On Deano, same as some other players I reckon we have the cash around now to maybe tempt them to stay (not that I'm admitting we're down yet!!)
With the blogger thingo, if you use Firefox grab the Cookie Culler extension and protect all the blogger cookies.
My desktop is a Mac and my Laptop a PC and it works on both.
Good luck to you both with the birth mate. You won't stop grinning for about 6 months, then you'll fall over from tiredness! Nah, it's the most amazing thing, changes yer life. And of course there's always toddler kits to buy!!!
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 08:50:00 am

Always worked on IE before Google got involved though. I can't install Firefox at work mate which is where I access the site most of the time and I don't really want to stop using IE at home.
This is Dave BTW - can't be fucked to sign in AGAIN!
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 09:08:00 am

I Use 1280 x 1024 with FIrefox, The banner with deano on it fits perfectly on my screen whereas the new one almost looks too small. Oh well im not to fussed, i just wish this site wouldnt put such a CPU drain on my system.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 10:09:00 am

cpu drain? really? I get 1% CPU time on this site.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 12:07:00 pm

Dave, I'd say that was IE fucking up cos Microsloth hate Google. I'm a Mac boy but when I was at work had to use PC. I'm sure you can find a Cookie Protector app for IE. I'll have a look for you and let you know. BTW, Firefox is the shit, was always a diehard Safari on the Mac man but Firefox blows them all away.Will get back to you
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 12:41:00 pm

I think he means CPU drain as in all he is does all day at work is read whu-au :)
I run 1280x1024 and both the prod & test banners are the same width. Both have a chunk of white space at the end at that res.
On a 24" monitor at 1600x1000 the banner barely covers half the screen tho doesn't look like shite.
- I like the white gap lines between the sections in the test banner.
- I prefer the new whu-au centre frame although I'd like to see a plain background version of that frame. It has always looked too busy with UP in the background imho.
- I prefer the existing right hand pic but it would look better with the white gap line.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 12:42:00 pm

two people here at work both commented that the new banner looks better because the a in au doesn't look like a d. In the existing banner the extension of the goal post above the 'a' makes it look like the name of the site is whu-du.
Look at the existing banner and blur your vision like it is one of those 80's magic eye trick thingos :)
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 12:48:00 pm

Whilst checking out the alternate banner had a read of the history and other stuff. Didn't know that the rivalry with Millwall went back to Thames Iron Works days? I always thought it was beacuse they were a bunch of pikey, lowlife bastards who were jealous of us 'cause we are so awesome!
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 02:12:00 pm

Munky: "- I'd like to see a plain background version of that frame. It has always looked too busy with UP in the background imho."
I darkened the picture from the orginal banner to make it look less busy - do you think it is still too busy then? Do you suggest a solid background? Or blend it more opaque?
beggers - the best bit in the test blog is whubris' comment - "wow that's amazing" - LMAO!
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 03:14:00 pm

To those of you using 1280x1024 - are you using a 17" screen? Do you not find it all a little small if you do?
I've just changed mine to 1280x1024 to see if I get used to it - I'm sure it is not going to be good for my eyes though. You get a lot of spreadsheet on the screen with Excel though - I like that.
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 03:28:00 pm

im using 17" and i can read it fine. Oh no dave your days of readin are over, do they have accountancy in brail??
Comment posted on Thu Mar 22, 09:36:00 pm

Be interesting if they had porn in braille - I quite like the thought of porn I can touch actually ;-)
Comment posted on Fri Mar 23, 04:34:00 pm

i run 1280 each on twin 19' can fit a lot of spreadsheet across both :)
Dave the new centre frame is a *lot* better than the old centre frame.
I was just wondering what it would look like with a solid colour whu-au logo on claret or vice might look like shite, just wondered.
Comment posted on Sat Mar 24, 07:32:00 am