Friday, October 05, 2007
Brisbane Hammers - Live Meet Ups
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Update - The Pig & Whistle have been in contact again and reiterated that some people's "attitudes need to change". They have video surveilance at both venues and use it, often, to monitor what goes on.
Dave & I have had a chat and we're both concerned with the way things are going for the Brisbane meet ups and think that things need to change.
1) singing is good but we need to be aware that we are not at a game where the 2 teams fans are separated by fences. Winding em up is ok but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. The test should be 'is it good natured banter?'. If it isn't then it probably has no place in an open venue where we may be standing shoulder to shoulder with the opposing fans.
2) if we get a bit of banter back from the other team's fans our reaction should not be to get aggressive and personal. We *want* them to sing back at us and create a bit of atmosphere. That's a good thing.
3) If we're on the receiving end of something that isn't banter but is personal & aggressive & crosses the line, then we need to let the management know rather than take matters into our own hands. For the record I'm embarrassed that I lost my rag after the boro game, not proud of it.
Foxtel viewer's choice means there are fans from a lot of teams in the pub at the same time, some who have been drinking for hours already because they had the early game.We really need to tone things down a *lot* or we're gonna have issues at every single match we watch.
The Pig & Whistle have been incredibly patient but that patience is wearing very thin and indications are that they will take sanctions if things don't change.
We’d be foolish to think we could just go to another venue. Over the years we’ve had a very good relationship with the pig n whistle and they have been very accommodating such as last season’s UEFA cup games when they opened at 4:30am on weekdays. We’d like to think that our relationship is still strong and that we have enough respect to watch the games in a friendly atmosphere.
Update - The Pig & Whistle have been in contact again and reiterated that some people's "attitudes need to change". They have video surveilance at both venues and use it, often, to monitor what goes on.
Dave & I have had a chat and we're both concerned with the way things are going for the Brisbane meet ups and think that things need to change.
1) singing is good but we need to be aware that we are not at a game where the 2 teams fans are separated by fences. Winding em up is ok but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. The test should be 'is it good natured banter?'. If it isn't then it probably has no place in an open venue where we may be standing shoulder to shoulder with the opposing fans.
2) if we get a bit of banter back from the other team's fans our reaction should not be to get aggressive and personal. We *want* them to sing back at us and create a bit of atmosphere. That's a good thing.
3) If we're on the receiving end of something that isn't banter but is personal & aggressive & crosses the line, then we need to let the management know rather than take matters into our own hands. For the record I'm embarrassed that I lost my rag after the boro game, not proud of it.
Foxtel viewer's choice means there are fans from a lot of teams in the pub at the same time, some who have been drinking for hours already because they had the early game.We really need to tone things down a *lot* or we're gonna have issues at every single match we watch.
The Pig & Whistle have been incredibly patient but that patience is wearing very thin and indications are that they will take sanctions if things don't change.
We’d be foolish to think we could just go to another venue. Over the years we’ve had a very good relationship with the pig n whistle and they have been very accommodating such as last season’s UEFA cup games when they opened at 4:30am on weekdays. We’d like to think that our relationship is still strong and that we have enough respect to watch the games in a friendly atmosphere.
Posted by norven munky at 11:30 am
Anonymous said...
Football is a passionate sport and is one of the few sports in the world where the fans play as a big a part in the game as the players.
Whilst we wear our colours with pride and support our team through thick and thin we have to remember others feel equally passionate about their teams. I thought on Saturday at Indooroopilly that the support was great but at the same time when the Arsenal fans sang up (and there were only a couple of them) a few of us got a bit nasty and personal with them.
I don't want us to be known as a bunch that can dish it out but can't take it back. We should be able to use our wit rather than resort to calling someone a "fucking gooner cunt" and "sit down or I'm gonna rip your fucking head off" when they sing stuff directed at us.
That said you always get the odd nob that steps out of line and trys to wind up our crowd but Tony is right in the way to deal with that and also I realise neither of us have set that good an example in our handling of these kind of situations to date. But we need to sort this out going forward because individuals will get banned which would be a shame cos I like everyone who attends and I want to keep the group together.
TheRedRisky said...
I understand what your saying. And to tell the truth ive been worried about being banned from the P&W since about the Tottenham game, but I was more worried bout it being cos of fighting rather than singing.
Just as long as no one gets banned ill be happy.
Anyway bit off topic, what did you guys think of camara? I must say when i first heard the line up i was a bit worried. But considering we were playing Arsenal he had a good game and a few of his runs and touches impressed me. Thoughts?
Anonymous said...
Risky - you've missed the point if you think it's about singing - it's about aggressive behaviour - you can sing what you like but when they sing stuff back we need to react in a positive way rather than just giving them abuse and threatening. We're happy to sing things like "you're shit & you know you are" therefore we should be able to take it back without resorting to threats and personal abuse. I'd much rather you thought up a witty song to sing back at them rather than single individuals out and call them a cunt or whatever.
Anonymous said...
And just to add nobody has a problem with Saturday night - as far as I'm aware the pig are perfectly happy with how the night went but looking through sober eyes as Tony & I did you can see where problems start and where we are gonna start getting a name for ourselves with regards to dishing it out and not being able to take it back and in other situations things could get taken further.
In all honesty I've probably done the same thing in the past but I'm interested in the future and keeping things civil so we can keep going to the pig and keep together what I think is basically a good group of lads that wanna watch West Ham and have a bit of a sing and a laugh.
beggers said...
Must have been intersting watching the game, and those around you, sober! Anyway, I'll be well fucked off if we get banned. FFS what's going on? Gotta say never seen any drama myself, and although rowdy, it's always been cool. Mind you I haven't been there and had Rangers or Tottenham fans winding me up! But as the other lads have said if you dish it you gotta take it.
Anonymous said...
I totally agree with you Dave, PnW were damn good to us sat night and wish I could thank them, was a great experience. Im new to the group and yeah we did get roudy and swear, I think swearing is a big thing, pointing and yelling cunts at supporters is a bit of a personal attack at the individual (unless they are a ref) I would love to let the other supporters spark up a song hear it out then out match them, but they have such small turn outs sometimes its hard not to always go over the top of them. we need a solution eg: a song leader co-ordinator *just a suggestion* someone we can bounce off and leads us when we are pissed. I've seen it on videos at croation matches works well, looks organised.
Anonymous said...
On a bright note, I did see some of our roudy supporters shake the hands of the arse supporters at full time :) pretty good stuff if you ask me considering the situation, defused the situation. :)
Anonymous said...
i spose we do get bit carried away, with the grog and all, but as fa as i can remember, besides the tottenham incident, i have seen many of the brissy hammer bois shake hands wif the opponent fans... i knw i have...
but yea cant push our luck too much eh...
rite bois who's coming out for the villa game dis sat?? are we meetin up at eagle st??
mr west ham bret
Anonymous said...
Zane - yeah that's cos those Arsenal blokes were basically good lads and they shook my hand at the end too. If we'd come up against some other pricks it could have kicked off and also I don't think those Arsenal lads really deserved the aggressiveness to be honest - they wanted a good laugh as much as most of us did.
As for the comment about them only being a few then that's more reason not to get personal - we look pretty stupid when there's a whole load of us having a go at just a few blokes most of whom wouldn't have said boo to a goose.
Good to meet you Saturday anyway Zane - hopefully we'll see you at Eagle St in the future.
Anonymous said...
No worries mate fair call :), we'll have our new approach onboard and see how we go this sat, will be equally as good I reckon.
yeah I'll be there for the rest of games with the pommy brothers (thats if charlie can handle it)
you hit everyone up yet brett for sat?
Zane - On best behaviour ;)
Anonymous said...
I agree about the Arsenal supporters. They seemed like a good bunch of blokes, and just laughed off the taunts from our side. I think thats what we need to do more. All in all I think it was a good night out though (excepting the result, obviously.)
Anonymous said...
I have to admit having been on the other side of the fence for a few weeks now, some peoples behaviour is beyond bad and I would class as 'unacceptable'. I'm a massive fan of a few beers and having a laugh.... but we can not cross that line... we are in a pub in Australia and not at the game it self... a few beers and a few songs is great and really adds to the atmos and the fun of the night... but going over the top and getting very close and I mean very close to starting fights and maybe a massive fight is again 'unacceptable'. I've only been here for a year and some of the others have been here for years before that and we want to be here for years to come.... The pubs are very good to us and we need to respect that, we are in a pub and other people are out and about and possibly supporting other teams....
So come on guys lets just have some fun and watch the games....
and seriously if you want to be a gangster and start fighting... then go somewhere else because the majority don't want it....
Up the Irons...
Anonymous said...
Guys just to let you know there is not an official meet this weekend but the pig n whistle will be showing the game if you wanted to rock up. However due to the Eng vs Aus rugby match there will be no audio.
Next Official meet will probably be Portsmouth away on 27th Oct - I will let you know closer to the time.
Anonymous said...
hey zane how u doin mate... dont think i met u sat nite, but yea at the moment deano and mike have bailed... deano's sik and mike got other plans.... but me, benny, adam adam, adam skin and garin will be there regular as clockwork.... bout 10.30ish mate... and chris is gona be there too yea?? terry coming??
but yea mate see u bois sat and let's get behind em irons...
up the irons
mr bret
TheRedRisky said...
hey to say it bret im not gonna make it. Ive left uni work WAY too long and im suffering for it now.
Sorry mate
Anonymous said...
LOL Bret you know me but as a diff name bc i like liverpool.
yeh I'll be there, poor bloody Benny is going to cop it hard. hahaha
Anonymous said...
ha ha aight mate now i knw who u are son...
we gonna have a few drinks at pig in queen st... bout 9.30, and then walk over to eagle st... u keen??
i got ur number somwhere in me fone yea??
mr west ham bret
Anonymous said...
sounds good mate, 9:30 or 10:30?
mike and charlie are on the coast this weekend, they will be here for next live meet up on the 27th.
TheRedRisky said...
Just thought id say it in here. Ashtons in the england squad. now PLEASE dont get injured
beggers said...
Amen to that Risky.
How's the band going mr west ham bret? Do you ever gig down the Coast?
Anonymous said...
allo beggars, yea mate band's alrite.... on a break atm , singer barry's back in ireland for a month but we got 2 big shows in nov...
nov 10th wif SLICK 46(melb streetpunk)
nov 17th BEERZONE (UK streetpunk/oi)
will let u knw of venue wen i hear about it
so if any of u bois keen to seen some good punk rawk/oi, come along...
mr west ham bret
TheRedRisky said...
Hes still not gonna get an england cap. And the rugby was utter bullshit. Learn to score a try.
Anonymous said...
You can win a rugby match without scoring a try mate...maybe its a bit like banter... tell your players to shut the fcuk up about what they was going to do to us and do it 1st ..then give it large
now for the frogs...
Anonymous said...
Risky - learn to beat a team that can't score a try - did you even watch the game - the Aussies were totally outplayed - learn to take defeat with grace son. You should like goals being kicked anyway - I thought you were a football fan??
TheRedRisky said...
I Am but im also australian. Australias forwards were just completely outplayed and the ball seemed to get turned over every time there was a ruck.
Ah well. I was just bitter cos its annoying to be beaten like that.
Anonymous said...
jicYor Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
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Football is a passionate sport and is one of the few sports in the world where the fans play as a big a part in the game as the players.
Whilst we wear our colours with pride and support our team through thick and thin we have to remember others feel equally passionate about their teams. I thought on Saturday at Indooroopilly that the support was great but at the same time when the Arsenal fans sang up (and there were only a couple of them) a few of us got a bit nasty and personal with them.
I don't want us to be known as a bunch that can dish it out but can't take it back. We should be able to use our wit rather than resort to calling someone a "fucking gooner cunt" and "sit down or I'm gonna rip your fucking head off" when they sing stuff directed at us.
That said you always get the odd nob that steps out of line and trys to wind up our crowd but Tony is right in the way to deal with that and also I realise neither of us have set that good an example in our handling of these kind of situations to date. But we need to sort this out going forward because individuals will get banned which would be a shame cos I like everyone who attends and I want to keep the group together.
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 12:21:00 pm

I understand what your saying. And to tell the truth ive been worried about being banned from the P&W since about the Tottenham game, but I was more worried bout it being cos of fighting rather than singing.
Just as long as no one gets banned ill be happy.
Anyway bit off topic, what did you guys think of camara? I must say when i first heard the line up i was a bit worried. But considering we were playing Arsenal he had a good game and a few of his runs and touches impressed me. Thoughts?
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 02:00:00 pm

Risky - you've missed the point if you think it's about singing - it's about aggressive behaviour - you can sing what you like but when they sing stuff back we need to react in a positive way rather than just giving them abuse and threatening. We're happy to sing things like "you're shit & you know you are" therefore we should be able to take it back without resorting to threats and personal abuse. I'd much rather you thought up a witty song to sing back at them rather than single individuals out and call them a cunt or whatever.
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 02:22:00 pm

And just to add nobody has a problem with Saturday night - as far as I'm aware the pig are perfectly happy with how the night went but looking through sober eyes as Tony & I did you can see where problems start and where we are gonna start getting a name for ourselves with regards to dishing it out and not being able to take it back and in other situations things could get taken further.
In all honesty I've probably done the same thing in the past but I'm interested in the future and keeping things civil so we can keep going to the pig and keep together what I think is basically a good group of lads that wanna watch West Ham and have a bit of a sing and a laugh.
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 02:30:00 pm

Must have been intersting watching the game, and those around you, sober! Anyway, I'll be well fucked off if we get banned. FFS what's going on? Gotta say never seen any drama myself, and although rowdy, it's always been cool. Mind you I haven't been there and had Rangers or Tottenham fans winding me up! But as the other lads have said if you dish it you gotta take it.
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 03:53:00 pm

I totally agree with you Dave, PnW were damn good to us sat night and wish I could thank them, was a great experience. Im new to the group and yeah we did get roudy and swear, I think swearing is a big thing, pointing and yelling cunts at supporters is a bit of a personal attack at the individual (unless they are a ref) I would love to let the other supporters spark up a song hear it out then out match them, but they have such small turn outs sometimes its hard not to always go over the top of them. we need a solution eg: a song leader co-ordinator *just a suggestion* someone we can bounce off and leads us when we are pissed. I've seen it on videos at croation matches works well, looks organised.
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 05:11:00 pm

On a bright note, I did see some of our roudy supporters shake the hands of the arse supporters at full time :) pretty good stuff if you ask me considering the situation, defused the situation. :)
Comment posted on Mon Oct 01, 07:03:00 pm

i spose we do get bit carried away, with the grog and all, but as fa as i can remember, besides the tottenham incident, i have seen many of the brissy hammer bois shake hands wif the opponent fans... i knw i have...
but yea cant push our luck too much eh...
rite bois who's coming out for the villa game dis sat?? are we meetin up at eagle st??
mr west ham bret
Comment posted on Tue Oct 02, 04:13:00 am

Zane - yeah that's cos those Arsenal blokes were basically good lads and they shook my hand at the end too. If we'd come up against some other pricks it could have kicked off and also I don't think those Arsenal lads really deserved the aggressiveness to be honest - they wanted a good laugh as much as most of us did.
As for the comment about them only being a few then that's more reason not to get personal - we look pretty stupid when there's a whole load of us having a go at just a few blokes most of whom wouldn't have said boo to a goose.
Good to meet you Saturday anyway Zane - hopefully we'll see you at Eagle St in the future.
Comment posted on Tue Oct 02, 07:31:00 am

No worries mate fair call :), we'll have our new approach onboard and see how we go this sat, will be equally as good I reckon.
yeah I'll be there for the rest of games with the pommy brothers (thats if charlie can handle it)
you hit everyone up yet brett for sat?
Zane - On best behaviour ;)
Comment posted on Tue Oct 02, 04:51:00 pm

I agree about the Arsenal supporters. They seemed like a good bunch of blokes, and just laughed off the taunts from our side. I think thats what we need to do more. All in all I think it was a good night out though (excepting the result, obviously.)
Comment posted on Tue Oct 02, 10:18:00 pm

I have to admit having been on the other side of the fence for a few weeks now, some peoples behaviour is beyond bad and I would class as 'unacceptable'. I'm a massive fan of a few beers and having a laugh.... but we can not cross that line... we are in a pub in Australia and not at the game it self... a few beers and a few songs is great and really adds to the atmos and the fun of the night... but going over the top and getting very close and I mean very close to starting fights and maybe a massive fight is again 'unacceptable'. I've only been here for a year and some of the others have been here for years before that and we want to be here for years to come.... The pubs are very good to us and we need to respect that, we are in a pub and other people are out and about and possibly supporting other teams....
So come on guys lets just have some fun and watch the games....
and seriously if you want to be a gangster and start fighting... then go somewhere else because the majority don't want it....
Up the Irons...
Comment posted on Wed Oct 03, 07:59:00 pm

Guys just to let you know there is not an official meet this weekend but the pig n whistle will be showing the game if you wanted to rock up. However due to the Eng vs Aus rugby match there will be no audio.
Next Official meet will probably be Portsmouth away on 27th Oct - I will let you know closer to the time.
Comment posted on Thu Oct 04, 01:52:00 pm

hey zane how u doin mate... dont think i met u sat nite, but yea at the moment deano and mike have bailed... deano's sik and mike got other plans.... but me, benny, adam adam, adam skin and garin will be there regular as clockwork.... bout 10.30ish mate... and chris is gona be there too yea?? terry coming??
but yea mate see u bois sat and let's get behind em irons...
up the irons
mr bret
Comment posted on Thu Oct 04, 09:06:00 pm

hey to say it bret im not gonna make it. Ive left uni work WAY too long and im suffering for it now.
Sorry mate
Comment posted on Thu Oct 04, 09:55:00 pm

LOL Bret you know me but as a diff name bc i like liverpool.
yeh I'll be there, poor bloody Benny is going to cop it hard. hahaha
Comment posted on Fri Oct 05, 09:48:00 am

ha ha aight mate now i knw who u are son...
we gonna have a few drinks at pig in queen st... bout 9.30, and then walk over to eagle st... u keen??
i got ur number somwhere in me fone yea??
mr west ham bret
Comment posted on Fri Oct 05, 07:13:00 pm

sounds good mate, 9:30 or 10:30?
mike and charlie are on the coast this weekend, they will be here for next live meet up on the 27th.
Comment posted on Fri Oct 05, 09:01:00 pm

Just thought id say it in here. Ashtons in the england squad. now PLEASE dont get injured
Comment posted on Fri Oct 05, 10:07:00 pm

Amen to that Risky.
How's the band going mr west ham bret? Do you ever gig down the Coast?
Comment posted on Sat Oct 06, 06:53:00 am

allo beggars, yea mate band's alrite.... on a break atm , singer barry's back in ireland for a month but we got 2 big shows in nov...
nov 10th wif SLICK 46(melb streetpunk)
nov 17th BEERZONE (UK streetpunk/oi)
will let u knw of venue wen i hear about it
so if any of u bois keen to seen some good punk rawk/oi, come along...
mr west ham bret
Comment posted on Sat Oct 06, 06:20:00 pm

Hes still not gonna get an england cap. And the rugby was utter bullshit. Learn to score a try.
Comment posted on Sun Oct 07, 12:19:00 pm

You can win a rugby match without scoring a try mate...maybe its a bit like banter... tell your players to shut the fcuk up about what they was going to do to us and do it 1st ..then give it large
now for the frogs...
Comment posted on Sun Oct 07, 10:05:00 pm

Risky - learn to beat a team that can't score a try - did you even watch the game - the Aussies were totally outplayed - learn to take defeat with grace son. You should like goals being kicked anyway - I thought you were a football fan??
Comment posted on Mon Oct 08, 08:05:00 am

I Am but im also australian. Australias forwards were just completely outplayed and the ball seemed to get turned over every time there was a ruck.
Ah well. I was just bitter cos its annoying to be beaten like that.
Comment posted on Mon Oct 08, 01:27:00 pm

jicYor Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
Comment posted on Fri Oct 26, 07:26:00 pm