Monday, November 06, 2006
What Pardew said to Wenger
I know Pards said he didn't actually say anything and was just celebrating the goal but never let the facts get in the way of a bit of fun...
Post a comment with what you think he might have (or should have) said.
I'll start the ball rolling with :-
"What country is Marlon from again Arsene?"
Post a comment with what you think he might have (or should have) said.
I'll start the ball rolling with :-
"What country is Marlon from again Arsene?"
Posted by norven munky at 9:42 am
Melbournehammer said...
I've read on WHO he said
Made in England
whubris said...
"Hey garlic breath, did you see THAT incident?"
whubris said...
Or maybe it was...
"We've got Reo-Coker, you've got a team of chokers!"
Anonymous said...
from football365
Ten Things You Shouldn't Do Against Arsenal...
1) Score.
2) Celebrate.
3) Defend.
4) Tackle.
5) Ask a random member of the Gunners' first-team squad whether they prefer the new red British passport to the Old Blue.
6) Stand near Jens Lehmann.
7) Order pizza.
8) Worry about them scoring from a corner.
9) Err...
10) That's it.
The Question All Historians Are Asking
Was Arsene Wenger's angry reaction to Alan Pardew jumping into his technical area the first occasion in the past 100 years that a Frenchman has stood his ground in the face of an invasion?
norven munky said...
LOL..I'll give the prize to Lee, with honourable mentions to everyone else..
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
beggers said...
Pards is a prick! Sorry eion, you can put any spin on it you like mate but your manager blew it as did some of your players. They looked like spoilt kids out there, pushing and shoving, moaning, not shaking hands, spraying water bottles, blah, blah, blah. Sometimes even Le Arse lose pal, but when you lose do it with a little humility and some dignity, your lot were a disgrace!
Pardews been very gracious in his apology, of which I for one didn't think was warranted, but the mans class. Pards even tried to catch up with Arsene after the match but your bloke wasn't having any of it. Arsene didn't even hang around to speak to the media. Sportmaship mate, some of your lots never heard of it?
You are right about one thing though, you will be seeing us again and we're looking forward to it.
whubris said...
Hey, we got four points from the Arse last season and we're already well on the way to doing it again. Or will it be six this time?
The thing I hate most about Arsenal is how shitty they get when they lose, and when decisions go against them. When Arsenal lose, they blame everyone else.
Actually I don't think Pardew should have rubbed it in, but he admitted fault immediately and offered an apology by way of handshake and then publicly, and offered the chance to make a private apology. What more could you ask?
Dave said...
HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO @ Eoin! Mate obvious you'd support your manager as you are just as gracious in defeat as he! Can't wait to play you again - in fact can we play you every week - hahahahaha!! We've done you in the last 2 games now - there's only one prick I see here and it ain't Pardew :-) PMSL!
norven munky said...
Full footage of Pard's celebreations & Wengers wankery on You Tube
norven munky said...
Eoin, you one-eyed twat...
"As Alan Pardew ridiculously jaunted into the Arsenal technical area and pumped his fists inches from the pursed lips of Arsene Wenger "
Watch this footage and tell me where the fist pumping inside the Arsenal technical area inches from Wenger's face is?
Kevin Keen, Lee Bowyer & Ludo must have been in the Arsenal area with him cause they are right there beside him when he is pumping his fist and celebrating.
Provacative handshake? You're avin a larf mate.
Sour grapes from a pair of pillocks - you and Wenger.
Even if you do us over next time when your full complement of foreign multi millionaires are available you'll still be behind in the 2 year ledger.
beggers said...
Norven, thanks for the youtube link mate, very enlightening.
Eion, well, well, well "inches from his face " ah! what bullshit! Mate you're just as bad as your manager and players. You're a whinger mate plain and simple. Didn't your mummy ever tell you that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And this time you lost softcock.
Anonymous said...
By complaining all of the time, Arsene is effectively telling everyone which buttons to press.
I say, let's press them all at once.
Anonymous said...
well girls... thanks for all the racist comments... nice to know you Aussies live up to the stereotype.
What is odd is you lot going on and on about too few English players in the Arsenal side... um... Oi Oi Oi? Morons
Ta for the You Tube... he quite clearly is in the Arsenal technical area...
oh.. and Pardew has now been charged by the FA....
whubris said...
Eoin, what the fuck are you talking about?
On second thoughts, forget it. No need to sully our website with your drivel any further.
Anonymous said...
This just goes to show that Arsenal Fans are just as big a sore losers as their beloved team. Don't get me wrong, Arsenal are a great team, but do need to show some sportsmanship, at the very least for the youngsters coming up through this great game.
Dave said...
Norven - I think he's referring to our French comments about Wenger in this thread. Personally I would have thought any half arsed cunt with the mental age of a 5 year old could work out the difference between racism and having a laugh about the French (beleive me they do it with us - my mum lives there I've seen it). Obviously Eoin is struggling with this differentiation so we should make some allowances.
Anonymous said...
I think "French prat" was a Neil Ruddock reference.
Anonymous said...
you found MY site, ladies...
now go away... (and enjoy away trips to Derby... again)
On the one hand, you have Arsene Wenger, with 3 titles and 4 fa cups, 2 doubles in 1998 and 2002 and a whole season unbeaten, which something chlesea, despite their millions have yet to do. You have also won 2 trophies in japan, and the french title with monaco. You have turned unknowns into world beaters, spent far less than youre rivals yet still beat them, and was single handedly repsonsible for moving a 120 year old institution into a bigger and better home.
On the other you are Pardew. A mediocre player in youre day, and whose greatest managerial acheivement thus far has been to scrape a play off and lose the fa cup final. You were given 2 world class players yet still cannot integrate them into youre team, crashed humiliatingly in the uefa and league cups and had just lost 8 on the bounce.
Arsene has seen us denied a clear penalty, and this witless cunt pumps his fists in his direction. Everyone says that Arsene was classless but what is more classless than gloating at the bad luck of a fellow member of the manager's union? Arsene did not want to shake his hands with a racist fuckwit, and I am totally behind him.
norven munky said...
> you found MY site
yeah since you posted the address we somehow managed to stumble across it..
> now go away
I'd have thought you'd be happy to get *anyone* to visit...lets just say you aren't exactly inundated with interest. I'd suggest that may be because there aren't too many English speaking gooner fans but that might be considered racist LOL
After you get stuffed by the scousers on the weekend you can google for one of their blogs, go on & post some abuse, and then when you cop it in return you can huff & puff & tell em to go away...OOOOOHHH
whubris said...
Oops! I accidentally deleted Eoin's post where he put the link to his blog. That's a shame, now nobody can find it. Not even Google. :-)
beggers said...
Pardews no rascist mate, that's a ridiculous statment to make.
Arsene's a successful manager, no doubt about it, but the incident in question has nothing to do with his past history. He blew it, plain and simple, he was ungracious and deserves to be ridiculed. He lost his cool as did a couple of your players. He had the game taken away from him in the last minute by a side that is struggling, is considered an arch rival and it was definately a game he thought he would win. To be honest I'd be fucked off if it happened to me but I'd like to think I'd take it on the chin with some honour and dignity. He has done this before and it's not good enough, sorry mate but it's not, provocation or not.
I still don't think Pards did anything wrong, you obviously disagree and we could go around in circles forever with neither of us giving an inch so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
Dave said...
Well said beggers. Bet Eoin has something to say still tho.
Anonymous said...
well done lads... your lot did indeed get us into the CL and beat the scum doing so... altho I thought Teddy was slightly dubious in that match... so we're all cool. I also appreciate the football you play and respect that you came out to play last week rather than defend.
But, what Pardew did WAS well out of order as Gilberto notes here
What you didnt see on Sky, gents, was the fact that Pardew ran over to OUR bench.
But lets let bygones be bygones. Pardew had someone shake his hand yesterday... although Southgate was smiling slightly more than him.
Enjoy the season lads. I reckon you wont get relegated... again.
...Post a Comment ... Go to Forum

I've read on WHO he said
Made in England
Comment posted on Mon Nov 06, 11:04:00 am

"Hey garlic breath, did you see THAT incident?"
Comment posted on Mon Nov 06, 02:35:00 pm

Or maybe it was...
"We've got Reo-Coker, you've got a team of chokers!"
Comment posted on Mon Nov 06, 02:37:00 pm

from football365
Ten Things You Shouldn't Do Against Arsenal...
1) Score.
2) Celebrate.
3) Defend.
4) Tackle.
5) Ask a random member of the Gunners' first-team squad whether they prefer the new red British passport to the Old Blue.
6) Stand near Jens Lehmann.
7) Order pizza.
8) Worry about them scoring from a corner.
9) Err...
10) That's it.
The Question All Historians Are Asking
Was Arsene Wenger's angry reaction to Alan Pardew jumping into his technical area the first occasion in the past 100 years that a Frenchman has stood his ground in the face of an invasion?
Comment posted on Tue Nov 07, 01:20:00 am

LOL..I'll give the prize to Lee, with honourable mentions to everyone else..
Comment posted on Tue Nov 07, 10:52:00 am

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Comment posted on Tue Nov 07, 06:46:00 pm

Pards is a prick! Sorry eion, you can put any spin on it you like mate but your manager blew it as did some of your players. They looked like spoilt kids out there, pushing and shoving, moaning, not shaking hands, spraying water bottles, blah, blah, blah. Sometimes even Le Arse lose pal, but when you lose do it with a little humility and some dignity, your lot were a disgrace!
Pardews been very gracious in his apology, of which I for one didn't think was warranted, but the mans class. Pards even tried to catch up with Arsene after the match but your bloke wasn't having any of it. Arsene didn't even hang around to speak to the media. Sportmaship mate, some of your lots never heard of it?
You are right about one thing though, you will be seeing us again and we're looking forward to it.
Comment posted on Tue Nov 07, 08:17:00 pm

Hey, we got four points from the Arse last season and we're already well on the way to doing it again. Or will it be six this time?
The thing I hate most about Arsenal is how shitty they get when they lose, and when decisions go against them. When Arsenal lose, they blame everyone else.
Actually I don't think Pardew should have rubbed it in, but he admitted fault immediately and offered an apology by way of handshake and then publicly, and offered the chance to make a private apology. What more could you ask?
Comment posted on Wed Nov 08, 08:31:00 am

HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO @ Eoin! Mate obvious you'd support your manager as you are just as gracious in defeat as he! Can't wait to play you again - in fact can we play you every week - hahahahaha!! We've done you in the last 2 games now - there's only one prick I see here and it ain't Pardew :-) PMSL!
Comment posted on Wed Nov 08, 08:42:00 am

Full footage of Pard's celebreations & Wengers wankery on You Tube
Comment posted on Wed Nov 08, 10:57:00 am

Eoin, you one-eyed twat...
"As Alan Pardew ridiculously jaunted into the Arsenal technical area and pumped his fists inches from the pursed lips of Arsene Wenger "
Watch this footage and tell me where the fist pumping inside the Arsenal technical area inches from Wenger's face is?
Kevin Keen, Lee Bowyer & Ludo must have been in the Arsenal area with him cause they are right there beside him when he is pumping his fist and celebrating.
Provacative handshake? You're avin a larf mate.
Sour grapes from a pair of pillocks - you and Wenger.
Even if you do us over next time when your full complement of foreign multi millionaires are available you'll still be behind in the 2 year ledger.
Comment posted on Wed Nov 08, 11:19:00 am

Norven, thanks for the youtube link mate, very enlightening.
Eion, well, well, well "inches from his face " ah! what bullshit! Mate you're just as bad as your manager and players. You're a whinger mate plain and simple. Didn't your mummy ever tell you that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And this time you lost softcock.
Comment posted on Wed Nov 08, 02:07:00 pm

By complaining all of the time, Arsene is effectively telling everyone which buttons to press.
I say, let's press them all at once.
Comment posted on Wed Nov 08, 03:13:00 pm

well girls... thanks for all the racist comments... nice to know you Aussies live up to the stereotype.
What is odd is you lot going on and on about too few English players in the Arsenal side... um... Oi Oi Oi? Morons
Ta for the You Tube... he quite clearly is in the Arsenal technical area...
oh.. and Pardew has now been charged by the FA....
Comment posted on Thu Nov 09, 03:09:00 am

Eoin, what the fuck are you talking about?
On second thoughts, forget it. No need to sully our website with your drivel any further.
Comment posted on Thu Nov 09, 08:11:00 am

This just goes to show that Arsenal Fans are just as big a sore losers as their beloved team. Don't get me wrong, Arsenal are a great team, but do need to show some sportsmanship, at the very least for the youngsters coming up through this great game.
Comment posted on Thu Nov 09, 08:24:00 am

Norven - I think he's referring to our French comments about Wenger in this thread. Personally I would have thought any half arsed cunt with the mental age of a 5 year old could work out the difference between racism and having a laugh about the French (beleive me they do it with us - my mum lives there I've seen it). Obviously Eoin is struggling with this differentiation so we should make some allowances.
Comment posted on Thu Nov 09, 06:00:00 pm

I think "French prat" was a Neil Ruddock reference.
Comment posted on Thu Nov 09, 06:53:00 pm

you found MY site, ladies...
now go away... (and enjoy away trips to Derby... again)
On the one hand, you have Arsene Wenger, with 3 titles and 4 fa cups, 2 doubles in 1998 and 2002 and a whole season unbeaten, which something chlesea, despite their millions have yet to do. You have also won 2 trophies in japan, and the french title with monaco. You have turned unknowns into world beaters, spent far less than youre rivals yet still beat them, and was single handedly repsonsible for moving a 120 year old institution into a bigger and better home.
On the other you are Pardew. A mediocre player in youre day, and whose greatest managerial acheivement thus far has been to scrape a play off and lose the fa cup final. You were given 2 world class players yet still cannot integrate them into youre team, crashed humiliatingly in the uefa and league cups and had just lost 8 on the bounce.
Arsene has seen us denied a clear penalty, and this witless cunt pumps his fists in his direction. Everyone says that Arsene was classless but what is more classless than gloating at the bad luck of a fellow member of the manager's union? Arsene did not want to shake his hands with a racist fuckwit, and I am totally behind him.
Comment posted on Fri Nov 10, 01:22:00 am

> you found MY site
yeah since you posted the address we somehow managed to stumble across it..
> now go away
I'd have thought you'd be happy to get *anyone* to visit...lets just say you aren't exactly inundated with interest. I'd suggest that may be because there aren't too many English speaking gooner fans but that might be considered racist LOL
After you get stuffed by the scousers on the weekend you can google for one of their blogs, go on & post some abuse, and then when you cop it in return you can huff & puff & tell em to go away...OOOOOHHH
Comment posted on Fri Nov 10, 08:40:00 am

Oops! I accidentally deleted Eoin's post where he put the link to his blog. That's a shame, now nobody can find it. Not even Google. :-)
Comment posted on Fri Nov 10, 09:52:00 am

Pardews no rascist mate, that's a ridiculous statment to make.
Arsene's a successful manager, no doubt about it, but the incident in question has nothing to do with his past history. He blew it, plain and simple, he was ungracious and deserves to be ridiculed. He lost his cool as did a couple of your players. He had the game taken away from him in the last minute by a side that is struggling, is considered an arch rival and it was definately a game he thought he would win. To be honest I'd be fucked off if it happened to me but I'd like to think I'd take it on the chin with some honour and dignity. He has done this before and it's not good enough, sorry mate but it's not, provocation or not.
I still don't think Pards did anything wrong, you obviously disagree and we could go around in circles forever with neither of us giving an inch so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
Comment posted on Fri Nov 10, 11:23:00 am

Well said beggers. Bet Eoin has something to say still tho.
Comment posted on Fri Nov 10, 04:32:00 pm

well done lads... your lot did indeed get us into the CL and beat the scum doing so... altho I thought Teddy was slightly dubious in that match... so we're all cool. I also appreciate the football you play and respect that you came out to play last week rather than defend.
But, what Pardew did WAS well out of order as Gilberto notes here
What you didnt see on Sky, gents, was the fact that Pardew ran over to OUR bench.
But lets let bygones be bygones. Pardew had someone shake his hand yesterday... although Southgate was smiling slightly more than him.
Enjoy the season lads. I reckon you wont get relegated... again.
Comment posted on Sun Nov 12, 09:33:00 pm