Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Fucking Disgrace!!!
Need I say more????
I want to vomit!
Sell them all!
I want to vomit!
Sell them all!
Posted by Dave at 7:20 am
Anonymous said...
Roomel: Yes, play Tevez.
They should have worked out how to utilise him by now. This is why English coaches never, ever win anything.
Chelsea-Michigan said...
Tevez is magic, he used to put lennel messi in his right pocket, massherano is intelligent to world class striker all the need is someone to lay them short and Precise passes West ham can not do both, some of the players think there God, I can Joggle my left ball better than them. Futhermore Coaches wake up short passes is the key because only Tevez can save this fucked up club with fucked up management. he is World calss players, he amazed brazilian players in brazil. Do u know what does that mean he is one of the best in the world. Logic. Do not excpect miracles when u guys play him long passes a smart coach uses all his players, look at ferguson and morinho this is why they are great coaches or even Roeder who is impressing me day after day.
whubris said...
I didn't know we were playing. This is starting to really hurt us. 6-0 to Reading for fuxake. We are in a world of hurt and I can't see any way out of it. It's just starting to snowball.
Dave said...
Roomel - you lost my respect when you said Roeder is a good Manager (not to mention your over use of the word fuck in your first post - there's an art to using the word - it's called timing). If you knew anything about West Ham (you obviously don't) you'd remember the great team we had in 2003 which Roeder relegated.
I think you could be a little more respectful also mate. Most people on here are in agreement about Tevez and think he is class and has been misused. It's not as simple as you state though - we've had a lot of things go wrong for us this season which has lead to this predicament.
I welcome your comments I really do but please don't go all out attack on our club that we support so loyally (maybe blindly). :-)
Chelsea-Michigan said...
Well Roeder is proving himself as a coach and today he proved that he is okay, Anyways I said he is beginning to impress me, that means I am not really a big fan of hime, as far as West Ham, do u see the passing it is horrible, Anyways sorry for the language but I am really mad........
Dave said...
Roomel - the confidence is shot mate! West Ham have always been a good passing side but for whatever reason it just is not working for us at the moment. Curbishley is on a hiding to nothing at the moment as he has come in to a squad of players that just aren't geling.
You were right about the arrogance - Nigel Reo-Coker has really pissed me off this season and he thinks he just has to walk out on the the pitch but this is a lad who has acheived nothing in football and thinks he has a devine right to sign for a bigger club.
I assume you are a relative newcomer to watching West Ham. It is a roller coaster ride I'm afraid - Just when you think everything will go right, something, then everything goes horribly wrong. But we are loyal fans and are one of the best sets of supporters in the whole football league - Man City and ourselves are the only teams to get an average of over 30k in the lower leagues. We deserve much better than we are getting at the moment.
IMO losing Dean Ashton at the beggining of this season was what started this and now there has been too many factors which have made the confidence decline. There is no quick fix for this problem I can assure you - I would not like to be the one who has to fix it because I really don't know the answer. :-(
beggers said...
What a nightmare! Seems we capitulated and Reading were on fire, equals flogging.
Confidence, well that's obvious but I'm a bit over hearing that to be honest. How about pride, work ethic and self respect. The players are fundamentally employed by WEST HAM to do a job which they are failing to do. If they were employed in the real world they'd be let go by now. What baffles me is how they appear unfazed by thier situation, the lack of committment is fightening. You'd think they fight to the bitter death if not for the club and team fight for their own self respect, for Gods sake. Show some dignity and honour, have they no pride!
Would love Curbs to let a couple of supporters in the dressing room after the match to express our point of view. Not me but, a GBH charge would be sure to ensue.
How to get us out of this, well been saying since about round 5 this is de javu and nothings changed. There is still time but not much. As I see it the current bunch of players will not get us out of this mess without some changes. However, unfortunately, as much as I agree with Dave, we'll have to do this with the bulk of the current squad. It is regrettable that we don't seem to have the depth to fight for first team places. So it comes down to either new signings, loan deals or letting some academy players having a run or a combination of all three. Particularly Noble and Reid with regards to the latter. We are desperate to create something from midfield and both these guys would be enthusiatic enough to give it a shake I reckon. I suspect if given a chance they'd run their hearts out. They could do no worse than the existing bunch of players that's for sure.
I suspect the Argies are not long for the club, hence being over looked week in week out and as such they are not in our long term plans. However, it is obvious Tevez is the best player we have at our disposal and Mascher is in the starting line up for his national side and I refuse to believe that Mullins is a better player. Both players should be given a start, it's been game by game for months and even if they're only here for another game, if they can help us get any points I'd be happy.
As I said there is still time but many of us saw the writing on the wall months ago. Of course I won't truly give up on us till mathematically we are gone, God fobid, but we are running out of time.
Roomel, where do you come from and which team do you support? Why didn't we think of that Roomel, it's so simple, you're right we're all stupid, all hail Roomel. Quick someone forward Roomels post onto Curbishley, CL here we come! Don't come on here slagging us of mate, I'm just about keeping it together so back the fuck off!
Melbournehammer said...
Bowyer fluffs clear chance early on.
Gabbidon gives away soft free kick. 1-0 from set piece.
Awful defending 2-0.
Bowyer falls over and dislocates shoulder.Mr Curbishley, you are 2-0 down,why do bring on Shaun Newton to replace Bowyer?The game is slipping from your grip and you make a sterile substitution.Why couldn't you have brought Tevez on and either play him on the left and switch Yossi to the right or put Marlon on the right and Tevez partner Bobby up front.
Gabbidon gives away free kick again.3-0 form another set piece.
4-0 before half time.If you get a chance to see this goal look at the (non) effort that Mullins puts in to try and stop the ball carrier.
Half time substitution Marlon off Spector on.Assume Marlon was injured.
5-0 after sloppy defending.
6-0 third goal from set pieces.
Green makes 2 saves to prevent a double digit blow up.
Cole on late for Yossi.
Man of the Match goes to the Hammers supporters for singing Bubbles at 5-0 down.
8 wins from 16 games are now required.The only way I can see that happening is if we get 8 new managers who will all lift the team for one game.Anyone else got any bright ideas?
Anonymous said...
Ok I finally remembered my password.
I Have to say that before this game i was complainng it wasnt on fox. And after 30 minutes and we were 3-0 down, i had a sadistic need to see just how low we would sink.
I was utterly disguested by last nights game. Our worse defeat in about 5 seasons. And it wasnt far off our worst ever score. They only needed another two from what i heard it was well possible.
ON top of that Bowyer, who addmitly isnt the greatest, is now out for 6 weeks
We are fucked!
Anonymous said...
Heres a crazy idea, lets recall kyel reid, hogan ephraim and mark noble and play them, im sure theyd be willing to play there best for a place in the starting ine up.
And being a Centre Mid Mark Noble could do a much better job then NRC
Chelsea-Michigan said...
wow amazing to admit defeat I've seen Tevez playing in Brasil he was amazing three times much better than rhinaldinho, It is amazing, put him on the squad from the start of the game and I gurantee you to enjoy the game even if you lose, yeas I am from bresil but when Teves played in bresil he was fantastic. He need to run. that's a player that run constantly for 90 minutes like waynse rooney there is no way he is not fit.
Dave said...
Tevez is not going to solve our problems Roomel. There are behind the scenes problems that you do not know anything about. Pardew played Tevez in his final four games and it didn't do him any favours. I do admit tho I would like to see him play more.
Anonymous said...
What both Curbs and Pards could be accused of is not ringing out the changes when needed.
we lost 6-0 and the players dnt give a fuck coz they will be in starting line up in the next game even if they play shit. We need to drop sum players so they have to fight their way back in the team. Give Mear/Painstill, Collins, McCartney a chance. Give Noble a chnahe. Give Masch and Tevez a start and these players will perform so they can keep their place for the next game. What we lacked was DESIRE and the only one in our team that seems to have some is Tevez and he dnt fucking play.
Rant over lol
Anonymous said...
first time poster but avid hammers fan and i honestly believe that it is rime to give tevez and mascherano an extended run in the team anyone has to be better than mullins(for gods sake im better than him..........)deanno will make a difference and woulf like to see cole start some more not like harewood or zamora are scoring and whilst im bitching about players where the hell did we get spector from what a liability the hammer spirit isnt there at the moment and curbs has to get it back and quick before its all too late. just one fans opinion pls let me know your opinions
Anonymous said...
by geeze my typing needs to improve.......lol
Anonymous said...
There seems to be a big difference of opionion on here... for your information mascherano has been injured for about a month now... Tevex has done very well everytime he played... he just wasn't used to the way we played and pards played him deep one game, then up front, then on the right, then on the left and he didn't really get a good run. We have been very dissappointing based on last year. NRC hasn't had the correct attitude, he got the ump massive when we rejected arsenals bid and only bucked up.. surprisingly against arsenal. we need to give curbs a chance here, we have been very bad and a lot of people have failed to play as good as last year... but we have the makings of a good team, we will always play the same way as the faithful at UP won't allow any other way
Anonymous said...
sorry forgot to say... anyone who thinks Roeder is a good manager derserves to be shot....
Anonymous said...
Paul sotherton.. just read yours... agree with the top part... but you obviously haven't been to UP for a few years... Mullins is like a unsung hero, he does more for the team than nearly any other player, however never takes the limelight and tv never shows his true skill... He certainly shouldn't be dropped. We shouldn't just put in good players based on hearsay from south america... we are not a two bob club.. we are a team that came so close to winning the FA Cup and we need to make sure we maintain structure... We need to improve the right side.. spector doing a job, but no natural width and if we could get SWP then that would be awesome, Marlon has always been the same and it amazes me that people have a go at him when he's doing no different to last year without getting a break... in case you haven't noticed.. we are hardly creating a chance in the games and so to blame Marlon for missing his only chance of the game is very harsh in my book
Anonymous said...
to peds have taken some of your points on board but i still must say that in all the games i have seen and listened too he achieves nothing and now with the loss of bowyer our plight gets harder nigel needs to get his priorities right if he wishes to leave then lets sell him and get what we can as for marlon yes agree half with you nut at least last year he was scoring some goals the service is poor so this just seems to fuel my argument of hayden and i suppose nigel we must spend and must spend well .... and yes mascherano has been injured but not since hes been with us he hasnt been given a fair stint to try to impress. your thoughts again would be good to read
Anonymous said...
West Ham's six-nil thrashing at Reading has added another £5m to Alan Curbishley's January window transfer budget.
Having previously reported that the new West Ham boss would have £15 million to spend, The Daily Telegraph says that 'He may be given as much as £20 million following yesterday's six-goal thrashing by Reading, which showed he needs to strengthen in defence and attack.'
Once again, the Hammers are linked with a bid for Chelski misfit Shaun-Wright Phillips, while the suggestion that there were plans to 'to bring Joe Cole back to Upton Park' is so outlandish that Transfer Gossip probably shouldn't repeat it.
Dave said...
I'm a big fan of Mullins too. Whubris and I often disagree about his performance and contribution in games but I think I see the gritty unnotable stuff he does that often gets missed by fans. His presence allows more creative players to do their work but unfortunately they are not coming up with the goods at the moment - the likes of Matty & Yossi.
whubris said...
Just seems to me that Mullins is often just idle while things happen around him. I'd like to see a live game though to really tell. I thought Vince Grella was OK, until I went to the Paraguay game and there I thought he was brilliant.
Dave said...
Yeah but he is covering space that has been left open by others going forward.
Melbournehammer said...
Mullins is Pardew's pet.I'm pretty sure he was Pardew's first signing at West Ham and it comes as no surprise that a move to Charlton has already been rumoured.
I am not a Mullins fan but credit where credit is due, I thought he was our best player in the early season rut.It seemed the arrival of Mascherano made him knuckle down and work hard to keep his place.However, in the last 3 games he has been woeful.Won't tackle and cannot pass.At least Carrick could pass lol.
In my opinion, one of the most disappointing things about the Reading game was the total lack of leadership on the field.Mullins is supposed to be one of the onfield leaders, he was captain at Palace when we signed him, and his along with NRC's body language was pathetic.I would actually let them rot in the stiffs for the rest of the season than sell them on.
beggers said...
I'm with you Melb. Mullins has never really done that much for me and I've said it before IMO he's a good Championship player but an average PL player. However, he USED TO play to the best of his ability and you can't ask for more than that. And I concede that generally we looked better with him in the side so fair play to him. But lately he gives the ball away, or loses it, all the time and what shits me the most is he then jogs along waiting for someone eles to clean up the mess. aaaggghhh!!! He has never been a creative midfielder and, now it seems, is a below par defensive midfielder, so what is he?
I don't want this to sound like a witch hunt for Mullins 'cause there's a whole squad of players who are to blame for our current situation, he's just one of many.
We need something different not only as a team but as supporters. Wished we had an Inernational midfielder and striker, who has something to prove, in the squad?
Honestly, can you imagine how the crowd would react at UP if they both ran out against Fulham. The fans would lift the roof and maybe, just maybe, the players would respond. That's the sort of change we need, ALL of us.
Anonymous said...
boa morte now thats a good start surprised fulham let him go geeze how money talks...............
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Roomel: Yes, play Tevez.
They should have worked out how to utilise him by now. This is why English coaches never, ever win anything.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 08:39:00 am

Tevez is magic, he used to put lennel messi in his right pocket, massherano is intelligent to world class striker all the need is someone to lay them short and Precise passes West ham can not do both, some of the players think there God, I can Joggle my left ball better than them. Futhermore Coaches wake up short passes is the key because only Tevez can save this fucked up club with fucked up management. he is World calss players, he amazed brazilian players in brazil. Do u know what does that mean he is one of the best in the world. Logic. Do not excpect miracles when u guys play him long passes a smart coach uses all his players, look at ferguson and morinho this is why they are great coaches or even Roeder who is impressing me day after day.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 08:40:00 am

I didn't know we were playing. This is starting to really hurt us. 6-0 to Reading for fuxake. We are in a world of hurt and I can't see any way out of it. It's just starting to snowball.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 09:03:00 am

Roomel - you lost my respect when you said Roeder is a good Manager (not to mention your over use of the word fuck in your first post - there's an art to using the word - it's called timing). If you knew anything about West Ham (you obviously don't) you'd remember the great team we had in 2003 which Roeder relegated.
I think you could be a little more respectful also mate. Most people on here are in agreement about Tevez and think he is class and has been misused. It's not as simple as you state though - we've had a lot of things go wrong for us this season which has lead to this predicament.
I welcome your comments I really do but please don't go all out attack on our club that we support so loyally (maybe blindly). :-)
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 09:11:00 am

Well Roeder is proving himself as a coach and today he proved that he is okay, Anyways I said he is beginning to impress me, that means I am not really a big fan of hime, as far as West Ham, do u see the passing it is horrible, Anyways sorry for the language but I am really mad........
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 09:23:00 am

Roomel - the confidence is shot mate! West Ham have always been a good passing side but for whatever reason it just is not working for us at the moment. Curbishley is on a hiding to nothing at the moment as he has come in to a squad of players that just aren't geling.
You were right about the arrogance - Nigel Reo-Coker has really pissed me off this season and he thinks he just has to walk out on the the pitch but this is a lad who has acheived nothing in football and thinks he has a devine right to sign for a bigger club.
I assume you are a relative newcomer to watching West Ham. It is a roller coaster ride I'm afraid - Just when you think everything will go right, something, then everything goes horribly wrong. But we are loyal fans and are one of the best sets of supporters in the whole football league - Man City and ourselves are the only teams to get an average of over 30k in the lower leagues. We deserve much better than we are getting at the moment.
IMO losing Dean Ashton at the beggining of this season was what started this and now there has been too many factors which have made the confidence decline. There is no quick fix for this problem I can assure you - I would not like to be the one who has to fix it because I really don't know the answer. :-(
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 09:51:00 am

What a nightmare! Seems we capitulated and Reading were on fire, equals flogging.
Confidence, well that's obvious but I'm a bit over hearing that to be honest. How about pride, work ethic and self respect. The players are fundamentally employed by WEST HAM to do a job which they are failing to do. If they were employed in the real world they'd be let go by now. What baffles me is how they appear unfazed by thier situation, the lack of committment is fightening. You'd think they fight to the bitter death if not for the club and team fight for their own self respect, for Gods sake. Show some dignity and honour, have they no pride!
Would love Curbs to let a couple of supporters in the dressing room after the match to express our point of view. Not me but, a GBH charge would be sure to ensue.
How to get us out of this, well been saying since about round 5 this is de javu and nothings changed. There is still time but not much. As I see it the current bunch of players will not get us out of this mess without some changes. However, unfortunately, as much as I agree with Dave, we'll have to do this with the bulk of the current squad. It is regrettable that we don't seem to have the depth to fight for first team places. So it comes down to either new signings, loan deals or letting some academy players having a run or a combination of all three. Particularly Noble and Reid with regards to the latter. We are desperate to create something from midfield and both these guys would be enthusiatic enough to give it a shake I reckon. I suspect if given a chance they'd run their hearts out. They could do no worse than the existing bunch of players that's for sure.
I suspect the Argies are not long for the club, hence being over looked week in week out and as such they are not in our long term plans. However, it is obvious Tevez is the best player we have at our disposal and Mascher is in the starting line up for his national side and I refuse to believe that Mullins is a better player. Both players should be given a start, it's been game by game for months and even if they're only here for another game, if they can help us get any points I'd be happy.
As I said there is still time but many of us saw the writing on the wall months ago. Of course I won't truly give up on us till mathematically we are gone, God fobid, but we are running out of time.
Roomel, where do you come from and which team do you support? Why didn't we think of that Roomel, it's so simple, you're right we're all stupid, all hail Roomel. Quick someone forward Roomels post onto Curbishley, CL here we come! Don't come on here slagging us of mate, I'm just about keeping it together so back the fuck off!
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 09:52:00 am

Bowyer fluffs clear chance early on.
Gabbidon gives away soft free kick. 1-0 from set piece.
Awful defending 2-0.
Bowyer falls over and dislocates shoulder.Mr Curbishley, you are 2-0 down,why do bring on Shaun Newton to replace Bowyer?The game is slipping from your grip and you make a sterile substitution.Why couldn't you have brought Tevez on and either play him on the left and switch Yossi to the right or put Marlon on the right and Tevez partner Bobby up front.
Gabbidon gives away free kick again.3-0 form another set piece.
4-0 before half time.If you get a chance to see this goal look at the (non) effort that Mullins puts in to try and stop the ball carrier.
Half time substitution Marlon off Spector on.Assume Marlon was injured.
5-0 after sloppy defending.
6-0 third goal from set pieces.
Green makes 2 saves to prevent a double digit blow up.
Cole on late for Yossi.
Man of the Match goes to the Hammers supporters for singing Bubbles at 5-0 down.
8 wins from 16 games are now required.The only way I can see that happening is if we get 8 new managers who will all lift the team for one game.Anyone else got any bright ideas?
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 11:23:00 am

Ok I finally remembered my password.
I Have to say that before this game i was complainng it wasnt on fox. And after 30 minutes and we were 3-0 down, i had a sadistic need to see just how low we would sink.
I was utterly disguested by last nights game. Our worse defeat in about 5 seasons. And it wasnt far off our worst ever score. They only needed another two from what i heard it was well possible.
ON top of that Bowyer, who addmitly isnt the greatest, is now out for 6 weeks
We are fucked!
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 11:31:00 am

Heres a crazy idea, lets recall kyel reid, hogan ephraim and mark noble and play them, im sure theyd be willing to play there best for a place in the starting ine up.
And being a Centre Mid Mark Noble could do a much better job then NRC
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 12:29:00 pm

wow amazing to admit defeat I've seen Tevez playing in Brasil he was amazing three times much better than rhinaldinho, It is amazing, put him on the squad from the start of the game and I gurantee you to enjoy the game even if you lose, yeas I am from bresil but when Teves played in bresil he was fantastic. He need to run. that's a player that run constantly for 90 minutes like waynse rooney there is no way he is not fit.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 12:54:00 pm

Tevez is not going to solve our problems Roomel. There are behind the scenes problems that you do not know anything about. Pardew played Tevez in his final four games and it didn't do him any favours. I do admit tho I would like to see him play more.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 02:32:00 pm

What both Curbs and Pards could be accused of is not ringing out the changes when needed.
we lost 6-0 and the players dnt give a fuck coz they will be in starting line up in the next game even if they play shit. We need to drop sum players so they have to fight their way back in the team. Give Mear/Painstill, Collins, McCartney a chance. Give Noble a chnahe. Give Masch and Tevez a start and these players will perform so they can keep their place for the next game. What we lacked was DESIRE and the only one in our team that seems to have some is Tevez and he dnt fucking play.
Rant over lol
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 02:51:00 pm

first time poster but avid hammers fan and i honestly believe that it is rime to give tevez and mascherano an extended run in the team anyone has to be better than mullins(for gods sake im better than him..........)deanno will make a difference and woulf like to see cole start some more not like harewood or zamora are scoring and whilst im bitching about players where the hell did we get spector from what a liability the hammer spirit isnt there at the moment and curbs has to get it back and quick before its all too late. just one fans opinion pls let me know your opinions
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 06:46:00 pm

by geeze my typing needs to improve.......lol
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 06:54:00 pm

There seems to be a big difference of opionion on here... for your information mascherano has been injured for about a month now... Tevex has done very well everytime he played... he just wasn't used to the way we played and pards played him deep one game, then up front, then on the right, then on the left and he didn't really get a good run. We have been very dissappointing based on last year. NRC hasn't had the correct attitude, he got the ump massive when we rejected arsenals bid and only bucked up.. surprisingly against arsenal. we need to give curbs a chance here, we have been very bad and a lot of people have failed to play as good as last year... but we have the makings of a good team, we will always play the same way as the faithful at UP won't allow any other way
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 07:10:00 pm

sorry forgot to say... anyone who thinks Roeder is a good manager derserves to be shot....
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 07:11:00 pm

Paul sotherton.. just read yours... agree with the top part... but you obviously haven't been to UP for a few years... Mullins is like a unsung hero, he does more for the team than nearly any other player, however never takes the limelight and tv never shows his true skill... He certainly shouldn't be dropped. We shouldn't just put in good players based on hearsay from south america... we are not a two bob club.. we are a team that came so close to winning the FA Cup and we need to make sure we maintain structure... We need to improve the right side.. spector doing a job, but no natural width and if we could get SWP then that would be awesome, Marlon has always been the same and it amazes me that people have a go at him when he's doing no different to last year without getting a break... in case you haven't noticed.. we are hardly creating a chance in the games and so to blame Marlon for missing his only chance of the game is very harsh in my book
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 07:17:00 pm

to peds have taken some of your points on board but i still must say that in all the games i have seen and listened too he achieves nothing and now with the loss of bowyer our plight gets harder nigel needs to get his priorities right if he wishes to leave then lets sell him and get what we can as for marlon yes agree half with you nut at least last year he was scoring some goals the service is poor so this just seems to fuel my argument of hayden and i suppose nigel we must spend and must spend well .... and yes mascherano has been injured but not since hes been with us he hasnt been given a fair stint to try to impress. your thoughts again would be good to read
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 08:13:00 pm

West Ham's six-nil thrashing at Reading has added another £5m to Alan Curbishley's January window transfer budget.
Having previously reported that the new West Ham boss would have £15 million to spend, The Daily Telegraph says that 'He may be given as much as £20 million following yesterday's six-goal thrashing by Reading, which showed he needs to strengthen in defence and attack.'
Once again, the Hammers are linked with a bid for Chelski misfit Shaun-Wright Phillips, while the suggestion that there were plans to 'to bring Joe Cole back to Upton Park' is so outlandish that Transfer Gossip probably shouldn't repeat it.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 08:24:00 pm

I'm a big fan of Mullins too. Whubris and I often disagree about his performance and contribution in games but I think I see the gritty unnotable stuff he does that often gets missed by fans. His presence allows more creative players to do their work but unfortunately they are not coming up with the goods at the moment - the likes of Matty & Yossi.
Comment posted on Tue Jan 02, 10:21:00 pm

Just seems to me that Mullins is often just idle while things happen around him. I'd like to see a live game though to really tell. I thought Vince Grella was OK, until I went to the Paraguay game and there I thought he was brilliant.
Comment posted on Wed Jan 03, 08:20:00 am

Yeah but he is covering space that has been left open by others going forward.
Comment posted on Wed Jan 03, 08:46:00 am

Mullins is Pardew's pet.I'm pretty sure he was Pardew's first signing at West Ham and it comes as no surprise that a move to Charlton has already been rumoured.
I am not a Mullins fan but credit where credit is due, I thought he was our best player in the early season rut.It seemed the arrival of Mascherano made him knuckle down and work hard to keep his place.However, in the last 3 games he has been woeful.Won't tackle and cannot pass.At least Carrick could pass lol.
In my opinion, one of the most disappointing things about the Reading game was the total lack of leadership on the field.Mullins is supposed to be one of the onfield leaders, he was captain at Palace when we signed him, and his along with NRC's body language was pathetic.I would actually let them rot in the stiffs for the rest of the season than sell them on.
Comment posted on Wed Jan 03, 08:12:00 pm

I'm with you Melb. Mullins has never really done that much for me and I've said it before IMO he's a good Championship player but an average PL player. However, he USED TO play to the best of his ability and you can't ask for more than that. And I concede that generally we looked better with him in the side so fair play to him. But lately he gives the ball away, or loses it, all the time and what shits me the most is he then jogs along waiting for someone eles to clean up the mess. aaaggghhh!!! He has never been a creative midfielder and, now it seems, is a below par defensive midfielder, so what is he?
I don't want this to sound like a witch hunt for Mullins 'cause there's a whole squad of players who are to blame for our current situation, he's just one of many.
We need something different not only as a team but as supporters. Wished we had an Inernational midfielder and striker, who has something to prove, in the squad?
Honestly, can you imagine how the crowd would react at UP if they both ran out against Fulham. The fans would lift the roof and maybe, just maybe, the players would respond. That's the sort of change we need, ALL of us.
Comment posted on Thu Jan 04, 08:14:00 am

boa morte now thats a good start surprised fulham let him go geeze how money talks...............
Comment posted on Fri Jan 05, 08:20:00 pm